|𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 4|𝗥𝗶𝘀𝗲

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Few weeks later...

Alice walked up to Ruby, wondering if she knows where Dyrroth is. "Ruby, do you know where Dyrroth is?" question The Queen. "hm, he said he was paying a visit to the Moniyan Empire." said Ruby with a smile. "did he said when he is coming back?" The Demon Queen question again. "no, and now we're on this topic, I havent seen him since last week. Don't you think its a little suspicious, your majesty?" asked Ruby with her head tilled. Alice froze and suddenly replied "yes, and for some reason he didn't left any note to imform us about the Empire". Suddenly, the castles main door drove open, and there Ruby sees 5 demons. "why are they here?" asked Ruby. "these demons are trying to escape the Abyss!" the Abyssal Guard yelled as he pin them to the ground. "what should we do to them, your majesty?" Ruby ask Alice while turning her head to her. "Maybe you should decide, Ruby" the Demon Queen answered with a smirk. "in that case, cut their heads off" Ruby answers with a wicked smile.The guards then took the demons to the execution area and slice their heads off.

"that was some cruel move, Ruby" the Demon Queen said with a smile. "oh its nothing, just doing what Dyrroth dose since he is not around" said Ruby with a sweet smile. "you know, why not you try sitting on his throne? I mean it kinda suits you." said Alice while standing beside Dyrroth's throne. Ruby then sits on the throne with her legs crossed and arms laid on the side, the throne suddenly change the crystal that is on the top into a dark red ruby gem. "see, I knew it suits you, Princess Ruby" said Alice as she stands in front of Ruby. "princess?" asked Ruby with a confused look. "yes, you have no guardian now, so I decided to adopt you, my child" said Alice with her arms crossed and a smirk. "well, I guess it could be fun ruling the Abyss." answer Ruby with a wickedly smile. Alice then walks up to Ruby and touched her forhead. Rubys Scythe suddenly came out and turn into a dark red Scythe with glowing red blade and a orange red glowing heart on the sides, Ruby started to feel very dazed and grew stronger and stronger, she felt like she had infinite stamina and strength, she then grew two demon horns that curved like a crown, her eye patch fell off and out comes a glowing eye that is colour dark red with her other eye turn into a magenta colour, it was like a sweet and deadly side. Her hair turns into a pale white colour. Her red hood is now a dark red colour and her skirt is now black with red outlines along with her corset.

"beautiful, the new ruler of the Abyss has now arrived. " said Alice with a low voice and a smile. Ruby then sat on her throne and laughed wickedly as darkness spreads around the palace with spikes and shard objects on the ground.

Alice then brings Ruby to the tower and call upon the Abyssal Army to welcome their new ruler. "Here all Abyssal Minions, we have a new ruler on our side!!" yelled Alice to the demons, orcs, dragons and other inhumane. The creatures yelled and cheered with glee, some of them even toss their weapons in the air. "Soon, the Moniyan Empire will fall, and we will rise!!" yelled the Demon Queen once more. Ruby then maked a smirk and said "that sweet revenge will come to me, and the Moniyan Empire will be in heads!" yelled Ruby laughing viscously.

Ruby then make plans on burning village after village and capture villagers and torture them before slicing their heads off, she enjoys watching them beg for mercy helplessly. Ruby mostly tells everything that she knows to her current stepmother, Alice. She then grew dark Abyssal powers which are stronger. She also lobed how much of a coward prisoners are, even if they are human. She also slain countless trespassers.

Even tho Ruby enjoy the torture, she will never forget Dyrroth which haven't come back to the Abyss for quite some time, she started to loose her patience on waiting for him. She then ordered the strongest Abyssal guard, Moskov to search for Dyrroth, since he is sly, loyal, and smart.

Ruby sat on her throne and stared at the skulls of the humans she tortured and kill, she mostly put skulls of humans because it reminds her of the Moniyan Empire and how she wanted that sweet taste of revenge. She also started to train with Alice and Thamuz which makes her improve a lot and makes her an unstoppable killing machine. But every now and then, she stared at her throne which reminds her of Dyrroth, the more she stared the more she grew inpatient. Her meal, Ruby always have her favourite orc heart from prisoners that she slain, that is why she always aim for the head.

Over the years Ruby's ppwer grew stronger, its like she can predict any move her opponents can make, she always make Alice proud.

"Ugh" Ruby said with a worn face. "what's wrong, dear?" Said Alice with her arms crossed. "its just, Moskov haven't been sending much imformation about Dyrroth, I am starting to loose my patience." complained Ruby while sitting on her throne.

"Your Highness!!" yelled Moskov as her returned with a kick to the door. "Finally" grunt Ruby as she stood up. "There has been a report at the Moniyan Empire, t-therr is a new ruler there." said Moskov as he bowed. "hmmmm, who's this....new ruler?" question Ruby. "I-it is said that the new rulers name is Prince Aurelius, and he looks just like the p-past Prince, Prince Dyrroth, but in a human form" said Moskov as he lifted. Ruby soon frozed an said, "thats good imformation, anything else?" Ruby question again. "yes, it is said that the new ruler will settle a war between the Abyss and the Empire." Said Moskov trembling. "hmmm, sure, oder all the Abyssal troops to train and make extra weapons." Answered Ruby. Moskov then leave the castle and odered more weapons and more troops.

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