|𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 6|𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗰

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When Ruby got back to the Abyss, she started tearing up with blood. Ruby's mind is all scattered and she could feel a hearth of betrayal from Dyrroth. "so, Prince Aurelius now huh?" Ruby said in a voice soft but full of anger. Ruby try to keep her mind off of Dyrroth to stop her bloody tears from dripping. She make a leave out of the palace and went to her training grouds.

"so, have you met the new ruler of the Moniyan Empire?" said Alice as she fly towards Ruby making an entrance. "why yes, Mother. He simply betrayed us and became a Prince of Light" said Ruby as she slashes her Scythe on a target. "betrayed?" question Alice as she crossed her arms and tilt her head. "yes, betrayed...." said Ruby in a lower voice. "huh, guess the war will be held lover vs lover then" smile Alice as she makes a leave up to the castle tower. "L-lo-lover?" said Ruby as she puts down her Scythe. "even though you are my enemy, you are still my friend, my trainer, my...." Ruby though as she kneels on her knee, dripping a few bloody tears on the ground which burn like lava.

Ruby went back to the throne room where she then sat on her throne which glow a red and  yellowish colour. The doors burst open and there are 10 Moniyan guards. "trespassers, my Princess" said the demon guard as he pointed his blade at one of the guards neck,"you may leave" said Ruby as she then picked up her Scythe and one by one slain the guards hearths, that made her cheer up a bit and laugh as the guards scream for mercy, she enjoys the looks on their faces which made her smile with her sharp demon fangs showing to the guard that she doesn't care. Luckily, one of the guards escape, Ruby got detracted by the fun she is having, she  don't even bother chasing after the guard.


"My King! The Demon Princess has slain 9 of our guards now. What should we do?" said the injured guard as he kneels to the floor to the King which is talking to Aurelius about some stuff even though Aurelius is still getting over the fact that Ruby is now an Abyssal Ruler." what?! How?! Those are our most loyal and strongest guards!" said the King with anger in his eyes. Aurelius, however just wanted Ruby here standing with him, and the fact that he haven't seen her since last week, he is already missing her. "My King, when will you settle the war exactly?" ask the guard trembling a little. "next month." said the King,"and make sure the Imperial knights are fully prepared". "yes, my lord" and the guard takes his leave to tell the Imperial Knights.

"wait, father. Can we invite the Demon Princess to come over tonight....?" asked Aurelius. "u-uhm sure, son. I'll send the report. " said the King with pleasure. Aurelius lifted his eyebrows with excitement than he is going to be with his one and one-Ruby. He wanted tonight to be perfect.

In the afternoon, Aurelius went to the castle garden when he met someone, a mage with a purple dress and orange hair was practicing her powers so she can use them for the war. Aurelius just sat down on the wooden chair while thinking and about Ruby. "excuse me, are you Prince Aurelius?" said a women voice beside Aurelius, "uh, yes." said Aurelius as he snapped of his daydreaming and turn to the violet mage. "oh, you look so lonely, isn't the future King supposed to be like, doing royale stuff or finding a Queen?" asked the violet mage as she sat down beside him. "I've already found my Queen, and I have done the 'Royale Work'." answered Aurelius as he crossed his arms. "well, ok. The names Guinevere by the way." said the mage with a cheerful smile. Aurelius didn't blush nor smile back, it was like he turn a deaf ear to her. "How rude." said Guinevere as she spoke to him louder, hoping he could heard from whatever he is thinking of. "o-oh sorry,Lady Guinevere." answered Aurelius as he then wiped a few hidden tears from his face. "are you alright?" asked Guinevere. "y-yes." said Aurelius. "maybe you should come with me to see how's the Imperial Knights doing" insisted Guinevere as she stood up with a smile. "oh, sure." said Aurelius as he follows Guinevere to the training grounds.

When they got to the training grounds, Aurelius could see the Imperial Knights training seriously. The training grounds reminded him about about the ones in the Abyess, only safer with emergency people on the side just incase if you got injured, but in the Abyss, no one cares, you can do whatever you want with your wounds, weather to heal it or get over it. Aurelius looked at his sister, Silvanna training the kinghts as she leads with her golden spear. "brother, would you like to train with us?" insisted Silvanna to her brother. "umm, sure" replied Aurelius as rings formed around his risks, acting like a power source. Aurelius has no weapon, he uses his rings and magic which is stronger than something you hold on your hand. Aurelius shot one of the targets with his rings combined with light magic to boost strength, it completely burst through the target which is a red and white round board. "wow, you're very strong your highness" said Alucard as he trys to hit one of the dummys with his sword. "thanks." said Aurelius straight forward. Guinevere on the other hand was too busy admiring the marksman of the Imperial Knights, Granger. He have black and white hair, his cloak is black reaching to his ankles, he's mouth is covered and only his face is shown with a scar on his left eye. Guinevere fell in love with Granger when she accidentally bump into her in the castle garden, then at the ball they dance together.

Dyrroth can't seem to get Ruby out of his head, when he starts training, all he thinks about is Ruby and how mich he wishes she was here with him, laughing and having fun with each other. Silvanna noticed that pretty quickly when he saw him mumbling 'ruby' everytime he strikes a target, and he always seem to get stronger whenever he mumbles her name. "hey Brother, after training, I would like to take you somewhere in the castle" smiled Silvanna as she cuts a target with he spear like butter. "uh sure" replied Aurelius as he flings one of his rings to a dummy made of metal and burst it, leaving some dens and holes in the dummy.

After training, Aurelius follows Silvanna to a hallway that he was most familiar with, it was a white hallway with red, purple and yellow banners hanging on top along with diamond chandeliers hanging every 10 feet apart. Therr are also some daisys and orchids on the side that symbols wildlife, there are also paintings, but the paintings represent courage and kindness to the people in the Moniyan Empire. Silvanna then stopped, making Aurelius wonder if we are here or she just found something on the floor or something. "where here~" said Silvanna with a soft tone as she shows Aurelius a door with a red heart on it, that gave him a thousand pounds through his vains as he was then noticed, "t-this is Ruby's r-room?" ha said as his heart beat faster. "it sure is~" said Silvanna as she opened the doors and Aurelius saw he bed, her balcony, her showers, her makeup, even her jewellery, all inside this room. "I-I thought these stuff don't exist anymore.." said Aurelius trembling as he hugged Ruby's blankets and pillows. "we would, but these things are too precious" said Silvanna with a smile. Aurelius went everywhere, her showers, her makeup, her clothes, everything. Then he reached the balcony, which was now his most favourite place in the castle.

"Prince Aurelius and Princess Silvanna, its time for lunch" said Guinevere as she burst into the room with excitement as she can sit with Granger when she eat. "I'm not that hungry." said Aurelius with a low voice, he wanted to save his appetite for dinner which if for Ruby. "ok, be right there." replied Silvanna as she takes her leave, leaving Aurelius in Ruby's room.

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