|𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 8|𝗪𝗮𝗿

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At the Abyss....

Ruby is sharpening her weapon when Alice burst in. "have you found something, dear?" question Alice, crossing her arms. "hmmmm, not really. But...." Alice raised her eyebrows when she heard Ruby said a 'but'. "I did....make a deal with the Prince of Light" answerd Ruby sitting back on her throne when her throne then glows dark red. "what deal?" asked Alice as she tilt her head. "when we win, he will come back to the Abyss!" said Ruby smirking. "and?" said Alice with an angry look. "And if he wins......I will join him to rule the Moniyan Empire." continued Ruby as her cheerful smile became a scary look. Alice just smirks and said "well, we won't let him win, right dear?" "No! I WON'T." scream Ruby when her voice has joind something dark and terrifying. "w-what is that?" asked Ruby as she is scared. "don't worry, the voice is saying that you are becoming stronger" answerd Alice as she flew away to practice her magic. Ruby just went back to sigh on her throne, hoping that Aurelius will come back to her, she wants to be with him, but she hates the Moniyan Empire. Tomorrows the war and she had no idea what Aurelius have in store for her, she doesn't want to be near anyone in the Moniyan Empire except for him, she wishes for him to come back, but that never happens. Ruby then gets herself up and shook her head, she will not lose against Aurelius no matter how strong he is.

Ruby gets up to her training grounds and she noticed a little change on her Scythe. Its orange gem had turn in to a red crystal, but she don't mind it. As Ruby trains, she saw a tree glowing bright red, bloody tears started to drip from her eyes a bit, that was the tree she and Dyrroth played on, they slept there together, eat there together, but then she saw something. A young man that has blonde hair sitting below the tree, day dreaming or something. Ruby went to the young man and to her surprise, it was Aurelius! Ruby examined him, his face, his body, everything. Ruby laid dowm beside Aurelius then laid on his shoulder, "you know that I miss you..." whispered Ruby quietly as she closed her eyes and wonder....."dose he love me?" Ruby then whipped off into her daydreams.


Aurelius is eating his breakfast at the Moniyan Empire peaceful and daydreaming of Ruby is his mind on last week, it was a memorable thing for him to see Ruby so close to his face. He is laughing a little to know that Ruby didn't even noticed that he is awake the whole time. " son, get ready for war soon, ok." said the King at he finished his meal and leave the table. The Queen dose the exact same thing, only she us walking towards the throne room. Aurelius finished his meal and went up to the balcony to check on Ruby through the telescope, as Silvanna follows too. The Moniyan knights get into training fiercely with Silvanna, while Guinevere just secretly follows where Granger goes.

Ruby is inside the Abyss, sharpening and changing her blade, Alice is beside Ruby sipping on her blood as Ruby walks past her. "Where are you going, Ruby dear." asked Alice as she is curious to see Ruby leaving her throne. "Keeping an eye on slaves outside, better make sure that they are ready." answer Ruby as she walks away, leaving her Scythe on the throne. Ruby went to the village and saw that some demons, and orcs are still making weapons, but they ran out of ideas on how to make a good one, Ruby went up to them as they bown on her appearance. "What is it that you command, my Princess." said the demon. Ruby picks up a weapon that is shape like a sword and has extra blades attached to it, "make more of this kind of weapon." said Ruby as the demons and orcs bowed and got back to work, they are also making armour, the armour has diamond shaped spikes along at the back and also some sharp things at the sides. Ruby is pretty confident that she will win, but she tries to not get her hopes up too much. Ruby hates it when the skies of the Moniyan Empire shines upon the Abyss, she hates it when Dyrroth left her and they give him such a stupid name, but at the same time, she missed him.

Selena was flirting with Moskov when she saw Ruby and ran to her, "Are you ready for war?" asked Selena cheerfully. "yes. Lets stirke." answered Ruby as her Scythe forms in her hand. All of the creatures of the Abyss stand among the barriers of the Moniyan Empire, waiting for their Princess to call a strike. With a huff, Ruby shouts, "ATTACK!". All the Beast run wildly as their weapons flying around and their armour with spikes and made of metal. Ruby charges at the back.

At the Moniyan Empire, the soldiers and Knights gotten ready at the gate, waiting for the creatures of the Abyss to burst through the main door. Aurelius is standing at the back, wanting to see Ruby and to face her head on, "I'll take to Princess, ok" said Aurelius as rings of a weapon circle around his risks. "Very Well, Brother." answered Silvanna as the main door suddenly banged and banged until the doors open.

Troops of different kind of creatures burt out of the door, Aurelius saw Ruby and charges towards her, Ruby also did the same thing.

"so, let's settle this, shall we?" said Ruby with a smirk. "as you wish, princess." replied Aurelius as they both charges to each other.

Ruby uses her Scythe to hit Aurelius but her then blocked and uses his magic damage, Ruby just dodge is swiftfully as she was been training her whole life, Aurelius uses his rings to deal a huge damage to lower Rubys power and strength, he then fired a ring. Ruby dodge it and use her Scythe a fire, it hitted Aurelius. Aurelius wanted to finish things off, so he pointed his hand to Ruby who is panting and fire a Empire Strike, Ruby tries to block it but nothing get in the way of his ultimate, it hitted Ruby and she fell on the ground, Aurelius went up to her and smirked, "looks like I win~" said Aurelius as he lifted Ruby's chin to face him, Ruby felt defeat. The other creatures of the Abyss got beaten up by fanny's ultimate and Alice was taken to jail because the Moniyan Empire wanted to ask her some questions.

When Ruby woke up, her vision is very blurry but then she saw a man with blonde hair smirking at her, "Dyrroth...." whispered Ruby as Aurelius lean's closser to her. "yes, my princess?" he said as he smiked cheerfully. "well, a deal is a deal." Ruby answered is a tired voice as she turned to Aurelius who is still smiling. "yup, your my Princess now~" Said Aurelius as he helds Rubys hand. Ruby just let out a 'tsk' and turned away. "what's wrong? Not liking the fact that I defeated you?" said Aurelius as he crossed his arms, even tho Aurelius is out of the Abyss, he is still very powerful and strong. "I....don't want to rule the Moniyan Empire, but I don't want to leave you...." whispered Ruby as she dosent want Aurelius to heaf her mumbled. "I know you don't, but I miss you~" flirted Aurelius as he leans even closer to Ruby. "I-I miss you too." huffed Ruby as she started to blush a bit.

(sorry for the late update. I just fell bad for leaving this chapter behind. Thank you for 300+ reads! I have finally have a confirmed announcement, I will continue this story on 1st December 2020~now that you have the date, please be patient and if you aren't, then I'm really sorry.)

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