you are my queen queen queen

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"Lighting?" the woman called again, "are you in here?". Lightning takes a sharp breath in and quickly backs up from me, he flashes me a sad smile.

"I'm in the closet Sally!" he says.

"Oh? The closet?" she says, her voice getting closer to us.

"Yeah, Chuck bumped into me and spilled his drink on one of the guests, I was giving them dry clothes."

"Well aren't you a sweetheart, can I come in?"

"Yeah, go for it"

Sally opens the closet door and we make eye contact, she smiles at me and then walks over to Lightning, kissing his cheek. My heart starts racing and I feel my blood start to boil, who is she? Whys she kissing him? Are they dating? Did I just kiss a man with a girlfriend?! Thoughts race around my mind as I watch the two talk. Sally giggles and grabs the collar of his shirt, pulling him into a kiss. She pulls away and turns towards me.

"Gosh, you must think I'm so rude! I'm Sally" she says kindly, shaking my hand firmly.

"Y/N." you say shaking her hand back.

"I hear my wonderful Boyfriend was helping you out after Chuck had a little spill?"

"Yeah, he sure is wonderful"

"I'm a lucky lady" she says with a smile.

"Well it was lovely to meet you, but I better find my brother before he starts to get worried." I say leaving the closet, I turn around and force a smile before leaving Lightning's room. I find a washroom and splash cold water on my face, take a few deep breaths and set off to find Gabe. I arrive back in the living room to see Gabe and Stephen chatting with each other, I walk up to them.

"Ready to go Gabe?" I ask.

"Uh yeah, sure, just give me a minute I have to go, uhm, pee!" he says quickly, then winks at Stephen and hurries off.

"Sorry for disappearing with your brother earlier," Stephen says with a smile.

"Not a problem, he wouldn't have as much fun with me anyways" I say.

"That's ridiculous, anyone would be lucky to spend time with you"


"So uh, I know we just met but I was wondering if you would like to maybe go out for drinks with me sometime?"

"Sure" I say, a small smile on my face. Stephen is pretty cute, and nice too, plus he can help me get my mind off of him... I was lost in my thoughts, but I feel an angry breath be let out behind me, I cautiously turned around to see Lightning, who was eavesdropping on Stephen and I's conversation. 

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