Chapter One: Death

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"Jace, wake up!" I jerked awake with a start, my brother's hands at my shoulders, shaking my body violently. "Huh? What?" My vision was blurry, and the shaking disoriented me. "We have classes, for school? I've been trying to wake your lazy ass up for 2 minutes, dude." I rubbed my face and groaned, "I don't wanna do school today."

I was disturbed by the pillow that wacked me in the head. I grabbed it and kept it there, hoping he'd go away. 

He yanked it off, "Just because you can't actually go to school doesn't mean you can skip your classes. You still gotta do the curriculum." I stretched my entire body over my bed, my arms and legs and abdomen twisting in an odd position. 

"Why should I do school work if we're all just gonna die of Covid anyway?" My arms fell to my sides in a slump as I tried- with much effort might I add- to sit up. My annoying brother visibly rolled his eyes. 

"You're so dramatic. Get up." He walked briskly away, leaving the door open. He really really wanted to die or something. 

"Aiden! Close the door!" No response. "Aiden!" Again. I growled in annoyance as I swiftly got up and walked the 4 feet to close my door. 

I stood in the middle of my room for a few moments, trying to clear the fuzziness in my brain after being jolted awake. I looked to see the mirror on my closet door, and my reflection looked as fucked up as my brain felt. My hair stood up in odd, stiff twists and my eyes were puffy from sleeping. I felt sorry for whoever would have to wake up next to me every morning. 

I went to my desk to grab my hair brush, and walked to the bathroom yanking knots out of my hair. I did all of the necessary things to do to get ready except for change out of my t shirt and sweat pants, if I wasn't leaving the house there's no reason to even bother changing. I contemplated putting on a bra but decided I didn't care. 

Sighing with defeat, I unwillingly sat at my desk to open my laptop. And then I just stared at the screen. I inhaled a deep breath, trying to will the motivation to come. Instead, I just picked up my phone. Shaking my head, I sat it back down. If I start scrolling through my phone, I won't get any work done. Another few moments of me just staring at the screen passed, and I picked up my phone again. Whatever, I'll do it later.  

I had a notification from Indeed for a job application. A job interview at 5PM. Sweet, cause I'm broke as hell. I scrolled through TikTok for an hour before I started doing any assignments. I got tired after two. Twenty minutes had passed and I decided I'd earned a break. So I scrolled through TikTok for another hour. After another two hours of this cycle, I decided to eat and by then it was already 3 in the afternoon, so I changed into jeans and a t shirt. Huffing when I checked my phone for any texts from friends and there weren't any, I decided to give up on school for the day. 

With nothing better to do, I decided to just walk to my interview. My fatass needed the exercise anyway. So with Hamilton blaring in my ears, I took the hour and a half trek to the job interview and realized halfway how stupid I was. I was about to show up to this job interview a sweaty ass mess. I smacked myself in the forehead. 

The interview went well, thankfully. I was to start Saturday. I walked back home with a little kick in my step knowing I was about to have some money again. But as I walked and realized how dark it'd gotten outside, my anxiety spiked. It was that time of year when the sun went down early, and I mentally kicked myself for not considering this beforehand. 

"Aiden?" I called my brother. "Jace, where the hell are you? It's dark as shit outside." "Yeah, I walked to my job interview. Can you come pick me up?" I heard him groan over the phone. "Yeah, I'm on my way." 

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