Chapter Six : Mind Reader

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So here we were, all of us running to the small town of Forks, Washington. When Alice said we were traveling, I thought she meant flying, but turns out travelling meant Emmett complaining that I was faster than him, but it was funny.

I was nervous. I hadn't met the others yet, and I was afraid of what they would think of me. Carlilse explained the wolves and the tribe on the reservation- the Quileutes? He thought it was fascinating. I thought it was crazy. I mean, first vampires and then werewolves? What's next, gnomes? It just got weirder by the day, but I worked with it.
He told me about when they worked together to fight an army of newborn vampires- it was hard to imagine- and again when they stood together to defend Renesmee. I thought that was cool, that two natural born enemies could set aside their differences and work together. It showed that things don't always need to be a certain way just because there are things that set you apart.

Carlilse also explained- what was it called? Imprinting. I still didn't quite get it, but it's why the wolves were so entwined with the Cullens. He said I'd see when we got there how it worked. I wasn't sure what he meant, I just knew that I didn't understand it. It's like- love at first sight or something corny like that. Cute, but still kinda weird.

I wanted to race everyone, see how fast I could go- but I had to follow Carlilse. Even if I had to remain behind him, running as a vampire was exhilarating. It wasn't like when I was human- I didn't run at all, I hardly left my house. But running now didn't take my breath away, my heart remained still. I could run and run as long as I wanted to and without the physical exhaust, it was so much fun. Dodging trees felt almost like an obstacle course.

"We're past the Canadian border now." Carlilse said to me.

"The Canadian border?! You took me to Canada?!" I wanted to stop in my tracks but everyone kept running.

"We had to take you somewhere where there was no chance you could hurt anyone. Forks has too many people in it for a newborn to handle, and I wasn't sure what you were going to be like. We didn't know anything about you so we thought it best to take you away from humans." Carlilse explained. I rested my case, understanding now.

We arrived at a large modern structure. It looked more like a model you'd see in an art museum than a house. The same open glass windows and light coloring as the cabin house in the mountains. That must be Esme's touch.

A man came out of the house to greet us, Esme walking right up to him in an embrace.

"Oh, my son. I've missed you!" Esme held him tightly. Carlilse followed shortly after her. This must be Edward, judging by the way they greeted him, I wasn't positive though.

"Yes, I'm Edward. You're Jace, correct?" He turned to me, holding a polite hand out. I shook it. The mind reader, I think.

"Yes." Edward confirmed. Anxiety washed over me. He would hear all of my thoughts. I was already embarrassed thinking about it.

"It's alright, I'm pretty skilled at ignoring them. I won't invade your privacy unless your thoughts are directed towards me." He assured me.

Alice took my hand and led me to the door. "Shall we go meet Bella and Renesmee?" I gave her a small smile. What if they didn't like me? I mean, the others liked me. I think. I was suddenly so insecure. And then a whiff of wet dog smacked me in the nose. I gagged.

"What's that smell?" My nose wrinkled back in a cringe.

"Our dog." Rosalie half-menacingly said. Emmett burst out laughing. "Rose." Esme chided.

"That's Jacob, one of the wolves." Esme explained. "The one who imprinted on Renesmee?" I asked. She nodded.

Alice opened the door. "Bella, Nessie!" She exclaimed, skipping into the house. I walked in, timidly following her. In the living room Alice had tackled a young woman, while a girl who looked to be about my age sat at the piano in the corner. This family had a knack for pianos, not that I minded.

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