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 Tommy walked towards the old shop. It was hot scalding sun outside, people wore hats and white gloves up to their elbows; mostly ladies and their children whom they wanted to safeguard for all throughout their life. Not a single cloud; dark and full of water could be seen anywhere. It was scalding hot. He was wearing a blue T-shirt and khaki shorts, which were completely exposed his knees and the rest of the hairy legs. He was already sweating, hairs were looked as if they just had a downpour of sweat. A Bead of sweat was formed near the earlobe. He constantly tried to stop himself from rubbing his cheeks and nose. Doing that increases the pimples. He slowly opened the door with a minimal amount of sound. The glass paned door was like 100 degree already. The owner of the shop, Jason Bertram, was inside sipping on some of the leftover Coca-Cola in the fridge. 

Slowly and stealthily Tommy crept inside like cat, his back hunched and motion as slow as a sloth. He took a good quick view of the shop. ' Jackson's Antiques and DVD's ' it said on the front board. Tommy needed quick money, to pay off Robb from his school for letting him escape from the detention for scribbling on the principal's door and breaking the teacher's chair purposely. There were many such encounters, sometimes police was also involved. But Tommy was, as he believed, a free spirit. Usually it would be his cousin Margaret who would bail him out. He had gone to live with her.

Now, as he came towards the desk of the owner, he glanced towards his side. That man was looking something on his phone and sipping his coke. He placed his hands on the drawer knob from the outside and dragged it out. Sticking his tongue out and smacking his lips, he cautiously searched for the a bundle. There were a lot of coins and free cash notes but ignoring them he searched for a bundle because that's where maximum money is. 

He grabbed hold of one, smiling to himself he pulled out the small bundle of green coloured paper; Money. Stashing his stock into his pocket he again placed his hand on the knob and began closing it. When suddenly his eyes went towards a big box and he stopped.

He stared at the box, it was ebony coloured wood with a red covering. It had that flick-open latch to it; it was golden coloured. Tommy looked at the box with utmost curiosity. His pupils widened and he began to stand upright still looking at the box. with an instance a thought struck his brain right at the centre,

' What are you doing here? ' He thought, 

As he continued to stare at the box. He remembered. Yes. It was suddenly clear as if all the cobwebs had been dusted from his brains. All of that came back to him, rushing towards him, flinging its arms open and wide. As this sudden realisation struck into him, 

" My toy box. " he said, 

But as soon as he said it something happened, something which Tommy hesitated to narrate to Dr. Pillsbury. As the sun gleamed outside the window door, Tommy saw the box beginning to shine. It was a bright green shine it gave from it's borders as Tommy gaped at it. With a confused looking face he blinked his eyes. But still the box shined and the brightness increased and another reality smacked Tommy's brain fair and square in the face. He was also glowing, Just the same as the box glowed. He began to walk towards it, forgetting that there was a table in between, he was nostalgic and mesmerised at the fact that it was his own, the big ol' toy box. 

" OI!!" screamed a man and the connection broke, 

Tommy blinked at the box like a bird to Human. The shop-owner had returned, seeing the drawer open and a 17 year old boy walking towards it, it was quite clear what he was upto. Furious and heated, the owner rushed towards him with all his speed. He approached Tommy and just as soon the owner would have grabbed Tommy by his hairs, he escaped. Ducking  beneath and under he escaped the clutches and ran towards the door and out into the open. 

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