The Harbinger: Corpse Candles

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To: mystery 's Halloween Vault

#Ambassadorsuk #HalloweenVault3D


" Ellie!! " Francis screamed.

It was about 8 in the night. Where have they both gone? 

" Eddie!! " he screamed again. cupping his hands near his mouth. 

He turned around. That enormous castle loomed behind him like a deadly ghost. Build in 1874. It was now his families turn to spend some time in it. Fluctuations with the wales historical committee was not a major problem. Since, this was written in his great-grandfather's will, that the castle should be bestowed upon the next progeny. But what does that matter in front of the current problem. Edmund and Elizabeth were missing! 

" Maggie!! Maggie!!! Have you seen them yet? " Francis asked to her beloved. 

It was almost dark as a cave. No hindering of light. Winds flowed at a steady speed as if preparing for something. 

" This is my fault. I shouldn't have allowed them to leave " said Francis.

" Not your fault Francis. It's halloween. They must have gone to the village " said Maggie. 

" No! That's even dangerous." said Francis. A gloom set into his face, draining him of his facial colour. Maggie looked worriedly at Francis. She took his hands in him and tried to comfort him. But Maggie herself was tensed, Eddie and Ellie were out for 3 hours now.

" They'll be alright Francis. Don't you worry " said Maggie assuringly 

" It not the environment my dear, it's nature that scares me. The candles, they say that the candles were spotted in the village " said Francis, 

" Oh don't be hysteric Francis, they are just legends. " said Maggie 

Francis said nothing, he knew it was pointless to base his fears into reality. 

" Dad!! Mom!! We are here!!! " came a scream.

Francis turned and saw there 5 year old daughter running towards him. Oh what a relief this was! Behind Ellie came the tall and dark-haired 15 year boy Edmund. 

" Where in the gods name were you?! " asked Francis angrily. Ellie got scared, she went towards her mother, who hugged her dear daughter.

" Edmund how many damn time have I told you not to stay out of house when it is dark!! " screamed Francis.

Edmund flinched at his father angry actions. 

" Do you know what roams around here? They come to take you away my boy!! They are like bandits, they will hunt for your sou-- "

" Francis enough!! " said Maggie, Ellie was clutching her hips very tightly. Francis looked at Maggie, who was glaring at him. He nodded his head and walked away. But he knew, his father knew, his grandfather knew. The candles always came. In silent night, like murderers they hid in the corners of each buildings, waiting for their victims to turn. 

It was, now, midnight. The castle was sleeping. Today had been quite a feast. Francis had forgotten about his worries. Drunk and happy, he gave all the servants a night-off to celebrate. But now he slept, sober and satisfied. Maggie and he, slept on the lower floor while Eddie and Ellie had separate rooms opposite to each other on the first floor. It was Maggie's idea to let Ellie sleep alone. 

' She needs to learn on how to be independent ' she had said, and Ellie had happily taken the guest room. 

As Francis shifted in his bed, facing the half-opened door. The gleam of a light stuck his eyeballs. He frowned and opened his eyes, 

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