Talking in the Library

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Date: 1/10/1895, Hackleworth Castle.

Today, I deeply mourn for the person who had been a phoenix for many people. This would probably take itself to the second or third last page of the newspaper, because of the topic which is told about. I do not fear the corrupt rule. Let them put chains on my hand and I'll put my pen on the paper. The incident, which I am about to write, could be sensitive in nature of course may of you will turn over the page. But those who still bear with me. Consider this as a story if you will but I was alive as I am now, while I met him.

Many of you might have acquainted yourself with ' The Northfoster Case ' the utmost flaw in the governing was glorified in this incident. It is regarding this case.

I was at my lowest feelings, Dawn Northfoster was a very dear friend. We had attended the same boarding school and in fact shared the same room. It was not a very unusual for both of us to form a true bond of friendship. I was the learned knight and she the damsel in distress. It so happened once that, the headmaster was informed that Dawn had been seen wandering near the boys toilet. When confronted, she had said it out loud. She was a bisexual. The whole school had been sort of doomed with fear, as everybody saw her with dark and terrified eyes. I had kept her safe, a mere little contribution. All the girls had distanced themselves from us. Slowly when the parents had started to discuss with headmaster. He had the courage to call up her guardian. When the guardians had refused to remove her from the school, the mattered had gone high up to the court.

And you know the rest, she was kidnapped from the school. In wide day!! She had been taken and when the search team had started people showed least interest in it, I speak for the police too. 5 days later, her guardian had received her legs, bloodied in a box. Next day, it was her heart. Imagine people!! What on earth had she got to do with this!! 

I had been wondering around the house like a prisoner!! No, I couldn't watch this happen!! I went my library, I was brought back home, and I began to search for a book which allowed us to talk to ghosts. I know it was a useless idea but that's the least I could do!! Tears had stroked out of my eyes, I needed answers. An Explanation to this!! I had been flipping through the pages when a book fell down on the ground. I quickly got up, throwing the book in my hand on the ground. 

" Come this way, Honorable Scholar " said a voice,

I jumped, taken aback.

" Who is it? " I said,

A head floated out of the bookshelves, grey and white. It shimmered in the dark. Outside the window, the clouds had gathered. The distant moonlight fell on the floor of the library, revealing the transparent body of a man. My heart had clearly stopped. Because I could no longer hear it breathing, but the lungs had been expanding and relaxing. A white mist surrounded the library, I was ready kick myself and run to the north star. But something held me, I deduced it was curiosity

" Wh- Who are you? " I squeaked,

" Stephen, you can call me that " He said, as he appeared in front of me, He was tall and wore shakespearean era dress, 

" Now, I believe what you were searching was in that section " he said but his voice didn't hint any sarcasm, he had a deep voice. 

" You are small, dear. Your parents themselves think that it was the right decision " he said,

" No they don't!! They. . . " suddenly I felt unsure, where they for it? They never had spoken about how they felt for Dawn,

" Neither they will. " he said, he came beside me and sat down,

" I have met, Dawn. " he said, 

I looked at him, absurdly

" Yes, I did. And you know what she said. She said, give my very best to Keira, now I believe that's your name isn't it? " he said,

" And she also happened to tell me that, never let Keira take her own life " 

I looked at him, that had been my exact thought!

" Bu- But I want her, she was so nice " I said,

" She was, but sadly she had to go apart from you " he said, gravely 

" Why? " I said, half-crying,

" Because, people didn't like her. People don't like bisexuals " he said,

" What's Bisexual? " I asked,

" It means, people who have their mother's look but their father feelings or father's looks and mother's feeling " he said,

" But what's wrong with that? " I asked

" It so happens that people have formed their opinion, they have closed their eyes to the fact, that there could be more than just, mother and father " he said 

" Are you talking about the other's ? " I asked,

" No. I am talking about They , Promise me, you'll call them, they " he said,

" I will " I said, there was a sort of twinkle in his eyes. Even if he was a ghost, they always have been shown as dark and horrific. But he was kind of handsome

" Are ghosts really bad? " I asked

" It depends. Not all ghosts are bad, but not all ghosts are good " he said,

" Which one are you? " 

" I am, I am just a librarian. I note down the accounts of people who die. " 

" Then what is bad? " 

" Bad is something which people don't like" 

" So was Dawn a bad? " 

" No. Do you think so? "

I shook my head

" Sometimes, people like to believe that something bad needs to happen. People do not like to change from their opinion. "

" What does that mean? "

" You'll see, when you grow up. Come to the library and you'll see. "

I got up and got going

" Keira, can you remember one thing? Just one?"

I nodded

" Can you remember the word, Bisexual for me? "

I hesitated, it was a new word and it contained sex in it but I saw the ghost, it faintly reminded me of dawn. 

" Repeat after me, B-I-S-E-X-U-A-L, Bixsexual "

" B-I-S-E-X-U-A-L, Bisexual!! " I repeated,

" It is a poor thing that only our imagination is stretchable and not our understanding. Our actions very much depend upon our understanding. " he said.

Now, if you have read the story. I hope that you have mugged up the word B-I-S-E-X-U-A-L. Because if you didn't, I believe then you do not have the ability to change the world. How? Well, if you do not want to change within yourself, how are you going to change The World. 

If you have got the word. Then when you meet Dawn. Be sure to tell that Stephen was crying at the very last moment of our talk. Not all ghosts are cold-blooded killers. Some are sensitive fathers. 

The End 

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