The Lost Diary of Bethany Green

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Dedicated to: that_writing_gurl, Because she did spark my interest into this.


I am Bethany Green. A 16 year old girl, sorry, I just. . . You see this is my first time writing a diary, so I don't have a name for it and neither am I going to because It's just a Diary, all you've to do is write about your life. Ah! That brings me to the topic, My Life.

Well, to be honest, I have lived a perfectly normal one. I mean until I fell down and twisted my ankle and fractured my left elbow, I don't know. I just can't write about that horrible incident. I can't even describe it in words, but if directors like Spielberg and Christopher Nolan ( If he is interested in Horror ) want a good plot for their movies, you bet they'll accept this one. Because it is just like that, too dramatic and supernatural. To real to be true. But as they say, it is what it is. 

See, again I am diverted from my topic, so again I start. I am 16 year old girl living in Mordle town. I live with my mother, Abigail and father, Edward Green. I love tending to dogs, even if they are on the streets, I just love their soft and cosy fur against my hands and neck. I like to paint rather than draw, although they are both interconnected but doesn't matter. Like every natural person, I have a mischievous side in which I like to pretend to be deaf. You know that's actually a little neat trick to brush off those ugly guys which try to get every possible excuse to talk to me. It's just so uhhhh. . . 


Mordle is a quiet town with occasional festivals and some programmes which are organised by the new mayor. Mordle is more or less divided into two or rather three parts ( the third part is sometimes not even considered as part of Mordle ). There is no rule based division or it's nothing to do with anyone or anything. It's just divided.

Now the first Mordle is called Mordle Farms, where you'll see all those lush green farms growing excellent crops. There are fields and fields in which you can play almost any game. Most of the farmers and their families like to live there. They often bring out these cooking festivals where they would put these stalls and serve you all sorts of dishes ranging from meaty chicken to fresh salad. 

Then comes Mordle New, this is where I live. It's a sort of well-built area you can say. Because it's got these new roads and houses and then comes the shopping centres and on and on. We still crave for a mall but I think it'll take much time for that. The reason for this division in Mordle Farms and Mordle New is simple. Only We, Mordle New have two roads which connect to the outside world. I don't know much about tourism, never paid attention. 

Then comes, Mordle Grey. It wasn't actually a separate part but there was this fire cause by electricity which burnt down that place. Actually Mordle Grey is actually the part via which you can reach Mordle Farms, It's a sort of pre-developed farm. But after the fire, nobody took shelter there. And it's still a kind of creepy part of the town.

Now that I have explained you the map of Mordle let me draw you closer to the incident. It started from the cold winds of October. . .


Sorry, that was a break in there. I started having my concussions and my head still aches because of the bandages in my neck, doctor Kliper says it's something to do with you nerves and muscles. She has prescribed me with some doses and exercise.

Suddenly writing this diary has become my only option of mental recovery! Kliper said I need to take out all of the thoughts and say it out loud or write it down. Now, I am sure everyone, including Pamela and Mae, will laugh if I start to narrate it out so here I write it, Kliper said to include as much details as I could.

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