Apology of Michael Hutch

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It had been a quick day. Just few files on my desk and the work was done at 6:00. Spent 2 hours in the bar, drank little and was driving home. The road seemed lot clear, even during rush hour. I was doing 50 on lane as the alcohol got in me. I shook my head and geared down. 30 on a lane. The streetlights looked hypnotizing. I pressed down on accelerator. 40 now. The road seemed so clear. I let my hands relax on the wheel. When suddenly the car rose and went down instantly like a wave had hit. I hit brake hard stopping at once. Oh, this was it I ran down on someone! But I looked back to see only a speed breaker.

Bleed, woman, bleed!!

I shook my head, my hands trembled. The next 2 lanes I drove very cautiously. I pulled over in front of my house. A small plot, two-story, half-furnished, weed-filled lawn. Decent. I came out of the car; the opposite house was flagged by police. An instant fear gripped me. I rushed to my door and knocked raptly. Mrs. June opened it,

'What happened?' I asked fearfully, Mrs. June had been holding a wet handkerchief in her hand. Her eye were red and big tears dropped.

'There's been a murder in that house, somebody came in and shot both of them'. She said shiveringly. I moved inside and closed the door. Mrs. June sat down on the red, worn-out sofa. I dropped my bag and gave her a glass of water. She gulped it down.

'How's Leah?' I asked,

'She's sleeping.' said Mrs. June. She looked at me desirably and looked down suddenly,

'C-Can I take next week off?' She asked carefully,

This got me worried. Because that meant I had to stay home, Boss won't be happy. But I could see she was terrified.

'Alright, take 4 days off.' I said comfortingly. She smiled sadly and left.

I bathed, ate, and sat down for some time. After 2 hours the police had left the place barricaded. I turned off the telly and walked in the bathroom, opened the cabinet, and took out the bottle of sleeping pills.

Bleed you cheater bleed!! 'No!'

I stared at it. My eyes watered. I took 2 out and thrust them inside. Switched off the lights and went to bed.

No one's gonna hurt you baby, just sleep. Your mama and I are going to talk a little. . . a little louder, okay. "HEY WHERE'RE YOU RUNNIN' COME BACK ''

I struggled to sleep but couldn't. I dreamt of drowning, and as I struggled, they pulled me back. I flapped my arms


The water changed colour. It turned red and then I could smell the stench.

Bleed!! Cheater!!

I woke up in the night, gasping and sweating. I struggled for breathing for some time. I placed my head on my palms and Leah started crying next room.

I went to room and there she was in her bed, 3-year-old. She had her mother's hair, the blondest set of them. Face like me but mixed with hers. Eyes were two ocean blue pearls. She pointed outside the window and

'Mama, mama!' She cried,

I looked out of the window and with astonishment on my face, saw a bright candle in the house opposite. It flickered as the gentle breeze of air went. I looked out of the window to see there were no guards. I looked up again the light, faintly, shined to the next room where stood a silhouette of a woman, resting her hands on the windowsill and watching us.

Instantly I closed the curtains and turned back, took Leah on my lap and sat down on the bed and as if someone were outside, the curtains swung open. That thing stood watching us from the next house. Fear crawled inside me and mind screamed of terror. But I closed my eyes as I caressed Leah, I tried to sleep. I knew who it was but chose not to think. She was not real. She will go away.

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