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Hello all! Welcome to book 3.5 of the 38 saga main book series! As you may have read, this story follows Cora and Tobias' Children, Primrose and Kris as they grow up!

Now, if you have somehow ended up here without reading books 1, 2, and 3, you may wanna go back and read those books first! Book 1: Opposites Attract. Book 2: Operation Sanitized. Book 3: The Pyramid Of Corruption. 

Right, now we have got that out of the way, lets get into characters! There are no ages for them as this book is over the course of 14 years, and ages will be mentioned in book 4 after i finish this book, and start the next.

Cora and Tobias--Agent 3 and Agent 8

Octavia and Orion--The twins

Sonia and Leon--Agent 7 and Agent 4

Lukas and Marina--Agent 12 and Agent 6

Callie--Agent 1

Marie and Lance--Agent 2 and Really high ranking league player

Pearl--Agent 5

Tori--Agent 13 

Tobi--Agent 14

Sheldon--Agent 9

Petra--Currently known as 'P' and presumed dead

Star and Kevin--3 and 8s parents (Well 8s family in law)

Some of these characters will only be mentioned once or twice, but they will all be in there however I can fit them in!

Now, lets get into the book!

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