Chapter 7

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The Homecoming dance has begun and I have never felt this miserable, watching all these couples dancing together. I don't know why I cared so much now when last year I didn't even have a second thought about it.

I was standing to the side with Devin, Madison and Kenzie. Luckily for Kenzie or unluckily for her, she didn't get thrown out by Principal Carter who made a fuss about her suit. Kenzie threw his words back at him by claiming that the boys wouldn't be distracted by her legs anymore. Principal Carter turned so red that that I thought he was going explode. Good thing Vice Principal Harris was a reasonable person and was able to steer our misogynistic principal away.

"Homecoming looks good," Devin mentioned. Dressed in a baby blue tuxedo and with his hair slicked back, he reminded me of a Korean Elvis Presley. Surprisingly he matched with Madison who had on the same colored gown.

Well Homecoming is the epitome of school spirit so it was filled with green and black banners, posters and balloons and a giant statue of our mascot General West. Yay, let's go generals!

"Being here makes me sick," Kenzie stated as she looked around the gymnasium with disgust. "A room filled with a bunch of horny teenagers with bad music and dancing, what a fucking nightmare?"

"Hey, the music is not that bad," I defended. We had a DJ playing remixes of songs from the Billboard top 100. "There's a bunch of romantic couples. Look at Monique and By..." I spoked too quickly because Byron had a handful of booty before Monique smacked his hand away.

Kenzie crossed her arms against her chest as she raised an eyebrow at me.

"We'll save this," Devin said.

To my surprise he turned toward Madison and held out a hand which she gladly accepted. Devin led Madison to the dancefloor as the DJ started to play a slower version of Ne-Yo's let me love you. Wow, did he finally realize her crush on him?

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" I glanced at Kenzie.

"Obviously. I'm not blind," Kenzie retorted.

At that moment I wished I was because I could see Alyson slow dancing with Braden. I can't believe that she liked me. It was so unreal and confusing. I guess I should be happy but how could I when she's dancing with a boy.

"Why do you look like that?"

"What?" I turned toward Kenzie.

"You look like someone put caca in you salad," Kenzie stated.

"First off eww and second.. I don't know what you mean." I went to the snack table to grab a cup of punch.

"Is it because you have a crush on the Westwood Princess," Kenzie said as she followed me.

"Wha...ttt? No way!" Don't give away your secret. Keep it cool and neutral. Nevermind to the punch.

"Yeah, says the girl who spends a majority of the time staring at Alyson during French class," Kenzie replied.

"I...don' that." Okay, Kenzie please go back to not caring about stuff.

"Sure, whatever," Kenzie said with a shrug. "She does the same thing too."

"Really!" I quickly turned my attention to Kenzie. I didn't mean to sound that excited but it slipped.

Kenzie crossed her arms against her chest and nodded.

"Umm, well I've noticed a few times," I said as casually as I could.

"Sure," Kenzie scoffed.

"I just...I don't know..she's..." I couldn't quite describe why I liked Alyson. Sure, she's pretty but when I see her I remember the shy girl that I wanted to befriend. 

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