He's Coming

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I felt the strong painful force on my chest as I was shoved down against the lockers then it was at my back and possibly the force unbuckled part of my brace. I tried to stand up again, but I was shoved down once more.

"What's wrong oh did I hurt you?" sarcastically asks Miles Massey as my face cringes in pain, "You look like you've seen a ghost. Oh, or maybe it was Slenderman."

His possy laughs and I try to stand up again but am shoved for the third time sending my back brace slipping down for the whole group to see.

"What happened to your back? Did Slenderman hurt you," he says putting his hands up and talking in a mocking voice.

I scramble to put it back on but I can't without standing up. They continue to laugh and mock me as I sit there helpless and unable to move.

"Leave her alone," says Kaylee approaching the bullies.

"Oh ya whatcha gonna do?"

"My plan was to distract you and let my friend get away. It seems I have succeded," I hear Kaylee say as I limp away to the nearest safe place where I then put my brace back on. I then sit and lean against the wall in the school hallway.

"Hey are you ok? What happened?" Asks Eliot sitting beside me.

"Go help Kaylee," I painfully say pointing to where she is.

Eliot nods and hurries off the direction I pointed. My eyelids get heavy as if someone's trying to force them shut. I fight to keep them open. I don't really feel sleepy, but my eyes won't stay open. They finally win the battle and I'm sucked into a vision.

"Reign, Reign." I hear someone say looking at me, but I can't tell who it is.

"He's coming. He's coming for you. I doubt he'll give you another chance. You have to be ready. Reign listen to me you have to be ready."

"You have to be ready," he repeats placing his forehead against mine then lifts up his face and kisses my head, "Stay safe, stay strong, you can do this."

I'm woken from my vision suddenly breathing heavily as I come back to reality. I see Eliot and Kaylee's worried faces. I also notice Kaylee has a bloody nose.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"I'm fine. Are you?" She responds.

"I had a vision."

"What do you mean?" Asks Eliot.

"There was this guy. I couldn't see his face, but he was warning me. He said that I have to be ready and he's coming. Does he mean Slenderman?" I ask, my breathing rapid.

"Calm down Reign. Its okay we're with you." Kaylee says.

"Do you want us to take you home. Keep you company?" Asks Eliot.

"That would be nice," I say.

They smile and help me up.

"I think I can walk for myself," I say when Eliot grabs my arm to put over his shoulder.

"Okay," he says and releases it causing me to tumble over and almost fall.

Eliot catches me and puts my arm over his shoulder helping me to Kaylee's car. The ride to my house is awkward and silent. Soon we pull into my driveway and head inside. I immediately go to the little swingset outside that is filled with memories and sit down. I rub my hands over my face and take a deep breath.

"God, I'm kinda freaking out. I need to know if that vision was a halluiciantion or if it was real. Please show me somehow and help me to relax. I love you and thank you for everything you do. Amen"

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