Sneak 100

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Cuss warning
Top- George
Bottom- Dream

No ones POV
It was 3 am and Dream felt restless. He tried everything he could think of to go to sleep. In the end he just couldn't....He wrapped his arms around George trying to sleep. After about 10 minutes of this he ended up getting out of bed and slowly walking to the living room. George groaned as he flipped himself to the side a bit. This caused Dream to stop for a moment. He was panicking that he had woken up George.
"Dream~~~ kitten where are you going...." George groaned.
Dream looked back to George and he was sitting up and rubbing his eyes and looking worried.
"I- I couldn't sleep I'm sorry I woke you b- baby..." Dream stuttered. George looked at Dream with a soft smile and slowly got up
"It's ok kitten do you want to go on a midnight drive to help you sleep?" George asked quietly.
"You would do that for me baby?" Dream
"Of course." George yawned as he kissed Dream on the cheek. They put on shoes and jackets then got in the car. George started driving and it he went it on some music and Dream was starting to fall asleep.

10 minutes later

George had looped around their small town and looked over to see Dream cuddled into George's hoodie that he gave him. George started to head back to their shared house. When he got their he picked up the younger man and carried him back to their bed. Dream cuddled into George's embrace and George held him closer. George set the smaller male on the bed and took off his and Dream's shoes. Dream was now curled into a ball inside George's hoodie and George though this was adorable. So George took out his phone and took a photo of the cute sight in front of him as he felt his face get hot from blushing. He got on the bed and plugged up his phone and grabbed Dream and pulled him into a hug. George laid there holding the male in his arms as he slowly slipped into unconsciousness. And after about 2 minutes he fell asleep cuddling his husband. Dream sleep talked and right before George fell asleep he heard him mumble "I- I love you baby..." and so as a response George whispered back "I love you to kitten."

I'm sorry this took so long to get out! I've been working on this chapter for about a week that's why it took so long to get a chapter. I hope you enjoyed it because I also have school and don't have that much time to write and I put a lot of effort in these.

467 Words love you my little cookies 🍪 (No Homo)

Dream x George fanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang