- Chapter 2 -

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It was Wednesday morning and also the first day of school, you were in a deep sleep having a great dream until you heard the door bust open. It was Atsumu.

"Atsumuuu, it's to early for this let me sleep" You said while lying back down again.

"Y/n look at the time school starts in 30 minutes."

You got up to look at the time and then you remembered that it was your first day today and then you jolted up to get ready.

~~~~ Time skip to where you arrive at school ~~~~

You arrive at the front of the school gate and start to get a bit nervous, a new school with new people, it was scary. Osamu noticed you looked a bit panicked, so the best friend he is he pulled you into a hug.

Atsumu was just standing there 3rd wheeling and then he spoke up " Y/n chan I should get a hug as well." He said while he pouted with his arms wide open.

"Finnneee" You let go of Osamu and gave Atsumu a hug.

Most of the people around you guys were staring, especially Atsumus fangirls. they were giving you death glares but you brushed them off. You were glad you already had friends on the first day, you were happy. Them also being neighbors and your childhood friends made everything better.

The bell rang and it was time to head to class.

fuck my life, now that holidays are over I can't watch anime 24/7

You and Osamu started walking to your class and you finally arrived. You took a seat next to the window in the back row with Osamu in the next chair over.

uh, this is gonna be such a boring year, I swear if there aren't any hot boys in my class...

You suddenly get caught off guard when your attention got caught by a boy at the door.


He then walked over to Osamu and greeted him. You were a bit confused so you asked Osamu.

"Hey, Osamu who is this?" You leaned over to Osamus table.

"Oh this is Suna Rintarou, remember I told you yesterday?" Osamu said while he leaned back in his chair.

"Oh yeah, righttt"

"Hey." Suna said with a tired expression.

holy his voice is so hot

"Hi My name is L/n, Y/n, please call me Y/n." You said with a smile.

~ Sunas pov ~

Her smile made me blush a little but I thought nothing of it. I nodded to what she said and walked to my seat.

~ Y/ns pov ~

You watched as he walked back to his seat and were smiling a lot.

"Y/n, stop smiling like an idiot and sit down."

"Shut up," You said, and as you took your seat.

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