1. Jab We Met!

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      OMG! Kim Taehyung just looked in my eyes and said that I'm beautiful!!! My heart is doing jumping jacks while on the outside I'm just smiling  a warm smile. Wow! I must have done some good deeds in my past life to receive his attention. I don't care if he talks to all his fans like this or looks into their eyes. I'm feeling pretty special right fucking now. He signs the book. I'm still staring at him. "I'm never going to forget this beautiful close up view." He gets up and comes even closer. "Is this better?" WOW. He's looking expectantly at me for an answer. "Do I really need to answer that? I don't think I can do anything now. There's a short circuit in my brain." He laughs and sits back. I take my eyes off him and look next to him RM is free and laughing at us too. He looks at me or a beat or two then asks, "Hey, you're a writer right?" OMGOMGOMG. Kim namjoon recognised me? God did he read my book?
       "Yes. I'm author of 12 books now and on my way to 13th. I can't believe you recognised me. I'm gonna brag about this to everybody" Another laugh from three of us.
       "I've read your book. I have seen your picture on it. Sorry, But I don't remember the name of the book ."
     "Ohh please don't be sorry. I'll die a happy woman now that RM has read one of my books" I say bye to V and give my sign book to RM. We talk about the book we're currently reading and then I move on to the next in line.          Suga is just done with an army and I happily walk in front of him.  "Annyeonghaseyo. I'm Arya Mehta. I came all the way from India to get your sign."
        "Kyeopta. Cute. Then tell me how do you say hello in Indian?"
       "Actually there's no language called Indian and we Indians have many languages. Our official language is Hindi. You join your hands like this." I do the gesture. 🙏 "And then say Namaste" Suga copies me. And says Namaste in same ascent. "Yes like that. see I taught you something today, I think you should reward me".
"What do you want?" He asks with a smile.
"I'll ask you a quetion please answer that honestly and quickly. Okay?"
" Like rapid fire?"
"Neh" yes
"But only one question?"
"Neh" yes
"Okay. Shoot."
"What's the first song that comes to your mind right now?"
"Miss right"
"Because I'm miss right?" I ask sweetly? And he laughs. He finishes the signing. And gives back the book to me.
"Gamsahabnida. Thank you. Have a great day!"
        I actually thought he'd say no. But the guy is sweet just like his name. So far so good, Arya. Live this moment baby. The next in line is WWH. I introduce myself to Jin. Kim Seokjin.
      "So this is your first time to Korea?", he asks.
      "Neh" yes
      "Have you seem anything here yet?"
      "No. I have only seen the airport and the bus."
      "It must have been a long flight. Have you eaten anything yet?" So considerate.
      "No. I didn't get the chance and I didn't wanted to be late here. What do you think I should try here?"
      "Pork belly, chicken noodle soup, steak and....." I made a face.
      "I'm vegetarian"
       "Ohh, then just have ramen", he says instantly and I laugh at his helpless face. He signs the book. And adds,"Also kimchi. Try cold noodles."
       "Ok. Thank you. I'm going to eat first as soon as I get out from here. Annyeong. Bye."
      And then my friends I'm looking in the eyes of the hope of world. JHope. WoW. Every moment is wow here. Calm down baby. You'd get through this. We exchange pleasantries.
       "You know we're birthday twins. My birthday is 18th February too. We're Aquarius", I inform him excitedly.
         "Ahh jinja? Really? What do you do? Are you an artist?", he replies with an equal excitement.
          "I'm a writer. RapMon has read my book you know." I say making a smug expression.
          "Daebak! Awesome! Which book did he read?"
         "Ohh! He doesn't remember the name"
         "Ya, he's forgetful like that. Give me the name of your favourite book that you wrote?"
          "My Trapped Wing- it's a lovestory. Please read it. This feels like I'm promoting here. Sorry. My turn, which is your favourite bts song?"
          "Ahh, ok.... if I really have to select one then it'd be mikrokosmos. Neh. Yes."
          "Ok. Gamsahabnida. Thanks. You have a really beautiful smile. JHope. Please keep smiling." He signs my book.
          "You have even prettier smile. With dimples on both cheeks"
         "Ohhh! Thanks a lot." Getting compliments on my smile from JHope, It's a beautiful life.
       Last we have jimin. Jiminshi. Jiminaaah. Don't faint baby. Don't faint. DON'T.
          "Annyeonghaseyo. I'm Arya Mehta from India." He joins  his palms in a Namaste gesture and says "Namaste"
        "WOW! You already know it?"
         "I saw earlier when you were teaching suga hyung (brother)"
         "Ahh. Very smart jiminshi!" He touches the nose ring on my nose and says "Yeppeuda!" "It's pretty!"
        "Omg! Omg!" I look from side to side. "Will someone please catch me if I faint here!"
Jiminshi laughs and so does the cameraman behind. I look at him. "You'll at least help me get up right? I'm Aarav's..... ahh, RV's sister." They just smile.
           "I guess it's a no then. Rejected in the first attempt."
            "Boya? What are you saying? I would never let you fall." He puts his hands on mine which were on the counter and says, "I'll hold you."  How do people survive here with him looking like that?
            "That's it! I'm just going to faint! Jiminshi catch. Oops I forgot I'm heavy. Let's skip it." I say the last part with a straight face. He laughs and taps my nose. On the nose ring that I'm wearing. I'm completely amazed. He removes his hands and signs my book.
          "Annyeong! I hope to meet you again!"
I glance one last time at all of them, who are busy while jimin is waving at me cutely. I try to wave back with equal cuteness. Hardly.
    Gosh! These were the most beautiful 20 minutes of my life. All of them are out of the world. I don't mean alien though. Just different. So handsome. I get out of the auditorium. It's so hot. It's august in Korea, What did you expect? I wish I was wearing something shorter. I walk all the way to the entrance. I left my luggage there with a security person. I wave at him. "Gamsahabnida. Thank you so much. Can you suggest me a restaurant nearby? Vegetarian preferably." He looks at me with confusion. He doesn't speak English. Ahh now I understand that "Where are the English SUBTITLES" meme. On cue, my phone starts ringing. It's Aarav. "Haa bhai" though he's younger than me I still call him bhai and not by his name. It's just a habit. "Search Indian food nearby and you'd get some options. Eat first and I'll call you as soon as I finish here. It might take 30-45 minutes. Then we will go home." Home, he says. For the past five years I've missed my home. My only family. My brother. I've said I'm going home a lot of times in the past but today I mean it. I do as told and find a restaurant within walking distance. I drag my bag and start moving. I'm ready to have my very first meal in Korea. I stop for a beat and put my AirPods on and play Home from my bts playlist.
Dramatic? Yes.
That's what life's about. A little bit of drama is always fun. I take out shades from side pocket of my back pack and walk towards the restaurant in my Gucci ankle boots. They are the most expensive shoes I own and also the best. Excuse me! I wasn't going to wear anything less than perfect to meet the men of my dreams.
At least one of my dreams came true. I'm excited for the rest.
Little did I know that the coming days would consist more excitement than my poor heart could possibly handle.

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