13. Oh, the drama!

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      "What the fuck were you doing with V?"
It's understandable that he would be shocked or surprised to find his sister with someone, but he needs to know who's older here.
"What's with that tone, DAD?"
"You should know that he won't take you seriously", he says angrily.
Ouch, that hurt even if somewhere I knew it was true.
"Yes I know that Aarav and it's none of your business"
"You're my sister, of course it's my business!", he yells again.
"I swear to god if you shout one more time at me, I'm gonna pack up and go to a hotel"
       He takes a deep breath and tries to calm down. Visibly so.
"Okay, I'm sorry for shouting. I just saw you guys together and you didn't come home last night and V is only serious about his career right now and I'm afraid he'll break your heart", he babbles.
"Okay okay, calm down bhai. Did you forget that I'm the older one? You sound like an older brother of typical gujju family right now", He relaxes and smiles at that.
       "I'm just worried about you sis", he says, concern evident on his face.
"Let's get some breakfast together and talk over a cup of coffee. That way you'll relax and I'm dying for caffeine"
       "Okay", he agrees and we walk out of the home.
He takes me to a near by coffee shop. We're both silent on our way. I'm thinking about how much should I lie? Or should I just spit the truth. Wouldn't that be easier? He has already seen V and me kissing and honestly speaking we haven't done anything more than that so technically there's nothing to hide. Truth, we go with the truth, atleast today.
I'm not hungry so I just order coffee, he does the same.
"Okay I know I should not interfere in your life , you have been taking care of yourself for a long time now. I'm sorry for yelling but I'm not sorry for interfering. I would like to know what's going on in your life"
"Aarav don't be so dramatic, calm down. I'm going to be honest here, so I went on two dates with V and he was a complete gentleman to me, if you know what I mean. My virtue is protected so you don't have to worry." The words which I say next brings a bitter taste to my mouth.
"And I know that V can't be serious about me. I mean he's an idol, I know the entire world is at his feet and all. But can we just say that he's a boy I like and I'm a girl that he's a little bit interested in. We're just having fun and spending a good time with each other. It's not even dating bhai"
"I get it. I just over-reacted"
"Now don't tell anyone what you know especially jungkook, whom you spend most of your work time with. We don't want others to know for whatever time this thing lasts between him and me, okay?"
"Okay, but why hide it?"
"Because it's convenient for both of us and we want it to be that way."
"I hope you know what you're doing. I have seen plenty of women heartbroken over him"
"That's one thing you won't have to worry about bhai, I don't have a heart to began with"
"That's nonsense, you have a big heart"
"No I don't, otherwise I would have found someone who could love me or something more simple like forgiving our parents"
"We're classic cases of commitment phobia and it's root is our parents relationship. You can't blame yourself for being a little detached in that way"
"So you're my therapist now? Do I have to pay?", I ask him jokingly.
He joins the mockery and says,
"Yes I want to see you atleast three times in a year, so that I don't feel bad the next time I yell at you", I smile at him.
"And don't think that I haven't noticed how you dodge talking about them. Come to me when you're ready, we'll talk about them and I have so much to say"
"Yeah, I'll come to you when I'm ready but not now. Let's talk about something else. When can you have a day off? I want you to show me around. Guaranteed I can go by myself but it will be fun to go with you"
"I have work today, but we can go tomorrow and also day after tomorrow. I took two days off so we can go hiking"
"Nice brother, now that's what we should have started our conversation with. Tell me about the place we're going."
Aarav a.k.a RV launches his speech about the hiking and about the difficult atmosphere at this time of the year also the word Bukhasan keeps popping. I'm listening to him but his earlier words keep repeating in my head, 'you should know that he won't take you seriously'. He's right but, god, I really didn't need that in my head right now. I was so happy earlier, kind of, on a taehyung high and now I'm low. Regardless, I paste a smile on my face and focus on my brother for the next hour. He leaves for his work from there and I return back to the apartment. I really want to catch a few hours of decent sleep before I sit to manage my schedule which keeps on getting dragged behind.
My phone buzzes, it shows 'Cupid' on the screen. There goes my sleep. Just seeing that name relaxes me, I know that I'll talk with this person for the next hour and dump all my issues on her without one single thought. It's Charmi, also my best friend in the whole wide world. We've known each other since high school. She was a scrawny little kid back in high school and now she's a mother of one (scrawny little kid). We're both busy with our different lifestyles but she's the one person in the world to whom I can bare my soul to without feeling embarrassed for any reason. I want to, no I need to tell her all the stuff going on in my head. I pick up the phone and the first sentence that leaves my mouth goes like,
"I slept with the love of my life"
I hear the noise of something breaking in the background.
"What the fuck!"
"Yeah, join the club. You're the second one to say that to me in Span of just two hours."

Don't you miss the conversations with siblings when we were younger? There is so much fighting but there's also a bond which consisted of both family and friendship.

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