17. Pumpkin not plum

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       I'm home a little after midnight with a huge smile on my face and a small hickey on my neck. I'm so happy right now that even Anil uncle's call won't be able to upset me!
       Let's watch  'Crash landing on you' he said,
We'll just watch the show, he said,
We ended up making out. And what a life altering experience! I wanted to kiss him the moment I saw him fresh from the shower in a  sexy wet hair look but I didn't know if I could. So I held myself back, that changed pretty quickly when he kissed my neck.
By now I have figured out that all his touches doesn't have to mean something. He touches just because he likes to. It's not sexual every time. Still my body didn't get the memo and lights up every time Kim Taehyung is in it's vicinity.
        We made out for what felt like hours which passed in a few seconds. (if you know what I mean) Like I remember each and every second of it in slow motion but it felt like it lasted only for a fleeting second. Then we actually watched CLOY. May be. I'm not sure. I was too aware of him and his body pressed to mine, the tension was at a new high.
       Out of the blue he asked me if I wanted ice cream, which he didn't have in his home. And so we went to get ice creams. I bought chocolate chip cone for me and a strawberry scoop for him. We enjoyed it in his car  going around in circles. When we reach my home he asked me,
       "What time is it?"
"It's about midnight"
       "Where did the smile go? What's wrong with midnight?"
"Don't you know that magic disappears at midnight?"
       "Yes of course. This car will turn into plum and you will turn into a girl with ragged clothes and old sneakers"
"Exactly. I'll go back to my miserable existence and you, my Prince Charming will go back to the castle"
He pulls me forward and kisses me briefly.
       "Next time when it strikes 12:00 don't be sad and think about this kiss instead", he said at an hair's breadth away from my lips.
Then he put his face in my neck and placed his lips there. I shivered from that intimate touch. I felt his teeth on my neck and a moan left my mouth or my soul. We stayed like that for a few minutes, unmoving and just feeling each other's warmth. I felt like Cinderella because I knew that someday the clock will strike 12 and the magic of Kim taehyung will disappear from my life. 'Ugh! so dramatic Arya', I thought to myself.  'Stop overthinking and just enjoy baby, it's taehyung hugging you right now.'
We moved apart, "And it's pumpkin not plum", I corrected him.
       "What do you mean?", he questioned.
"You said the car will turn into plum, it's not plum but pumpkin in the fairy tale", I inform him.
       "I said pumpkin only"
"No you said plum"
He kissed me again. Deeply this time. "I must have misheard"
"Yeah", he said with smile on his face and in his voice.
After that I wished him a good night and left the Prince Charming to go back.
       Right now I am looking at myself in the mirror. The hickey is very small but has turned into a beautiful shade of red. I literally jumped in excitement when I first saw it. I mean it's not everyday that you get bitten by the love of your life who you never thought of even seeing .
I click a picture and text him a photo of his work.
Look what you did
Looks like work of art
I think so too
I'll work hard next time
I might just die
I'll just bring you back to life
Then keep kissing
and bringing me back to life
Don't worry I plan to kiss
You more often
I had a great time baby 👶
Me too babe
Thanks for the🍦
Thanks for the 🍛
We should go to sleep
Yes we should
I really had a great time today Arya. Thanks for spending your time with me.
I had a great time too
And you already know that
Yes I know
Good night baby 😘
Good night 👶
I go to bed with a kind of content feeling that I've never felt before. It was another amazing date. South Korea exceeds the amount of expectations I had.
       I'm woken up by noise of  a door being banged.
       "Wake up you cow! This person seriously? Does she slept with a rock on her head or what?"
I get up a bit wobbly and open the door. RV is showered and ready to go for work. The sun is shining from the window outside, it must be 9 or 10 am.
"What do you want?"
       "Why aren't you picking up your calls?"
"Because I was digging your grave" I hit him in the stomach and say, "What kind of stupid question is that? Can't you see that I was sleeping?"
He is amused by my reaction and laughs at me, "you're grumpy in the morning, sis. Check your phone. Someone's trying to reach you"
At first I thought it must be taehyung. But he wouldn't ask my brother to wake me up. I pick up my phone from the bedside table and see three missed calls from manager Sejin.
"What does he want bhai?", I ask Aarav.
       "Talk to him and find out", with that he leaves the room.
I wash my face to feel a bit more like a human and not a zombie. Then I call him back.
       "Hello Arya, can we meet and talk. I have something urgent to discuss with you"
Did he find out about me and V? Do they want us to stop dating immediately? Wait a sec, are we even dating? Did someone see us? Did a Paparazzi leaked our photos? Hundreds of questions pass through my head in a span of few seconds.
"Yes I can meet you Sejin but can you tell me what is it about?" Or else I'll die a little every minute.
       "It's related to work. Would you be interested in working with us for a while?"
"You mean working for BTS?"
       "Kind of"
Holy mf shit
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