- Chapter Eight -

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The car skidded for a bit as Chan lost his grip on the wheel. You lurched in your seat, arms reaching out to grab onto anything that would keep you planted in your seat. The car eventually screeched to a halt."Your parents!" Chan screeched. "Your parents are the big, powerful, royal family!"

"They aren't royal, they're just very high status." You mumbled, already frowning. You didn't like talking about your family.

"Yeah, high status sounds about right. They're on the same level as frickin Satan!" Chan scrunched his eyes shut and slumped in his seat, the shock of the recent revelations sapping him of his energy. "This whole time I really just thought you were some kid of criminal, but, what, you're actually like a princess?"

"I'm not a princess! We aren't royals!" You repeated. "Yes, I may be the daughter of two of the most powerful and influential people in the entire world, but I am not a princess."

"How the hell did you end up with a three million dollar bounty on your head?" Chan's face was constantly flickering between a myriad of different emotions, confusion, shock, fear, desperation.

"Believe me, if the person who put the bounty on my head knew who I was then things would have turned out very different." You huffed. "Come on, we can't waste time, you keep driving, I'll explain."

Chan sighed, but started the car again. You had hoped that Chan did not need to get involved with your parents, but it seemed it was unavoidable now. Ricardo had found both you and him, and your parents weren't going to give up until you were back with them again.

"A very long time ago, the world was kind of split between the underworld and the overworld. Otherwise known as Hell and Earth. Satan and his demons ran the underworld and a very powerful line of witches and wizards were in charge of the overworld. Eventually, the underworld grew tired of their own stomping grounds and wanted to wreak havoc on Earth. The people on Earth were not at all agreeable, so of course it was settled the only way people know how. War and lot's of violence.

"After a while, they came to a decision. Those from Hell were allowed to roam Earth, so long as they did so peacefully, and in return, Earth would give them their criminals and wrongdoers for Hell to deal with as they please. Eventually things straightened out and the underworld is in charge of criminal justice and the upholding of the law. My folks are in charge of making laws and keeping peace between all magical beings on Earth." You were already tired of speaking, but you had basically only delved into the start of the story. Your head throbbed at the thought of continuing.

"Jesus Christ." Chan whispered. "So when you say high status..."

"I mean high status." You nodded your head. "It sounds a lot more flashy than it actually is. It's just a lot of boring meetings with boring old people about boring things that I don't particularly care about."

"Right..." Chan pursed his lips in thought. "So that explains all the power then as well?"

You nodded. "Yeah. My mother is a witch as well. I don't really know why, but only women can be witches, and witches can only give birth to women, unlike wizards which can be both men and women. My father is a wizard and my mother is a witch. Nobody's really sure why, but when a witch and a wizard have a kid, the laws of magic are absolutely abandoned. It was unheard of a witch siring a boy until it was a wizard who was the father. I have two younger siblings as well. A sister, and a brother, my sister is a witch and my brother is a wizard. But for some reason, I'm not really a witch or a wizard, but kind of a weird amalgamation of both. I tend to strive better in my witch abilities though, so I tend to call myself a witch."

The reasoning behind it all was ancient and confusing, which you could tell by the way Chan scrunched his face up as he listened.

"So like, you've got the power of both a witch and wizard?" He asked.

Witch Hunt - Bang Chan x Reader (Fantasy AU)Where stories live. Discover now