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There's a time skip in this chapter. Fast forward to the hyung line's graduation ceremonies but focusing on Youngjo's.


The first rays of sunlight shone through the windows of Youngjo's room, the sound of his alarm waking him up. Blearily he sat up and turned off the alarm in his phone, while doing so he caught a glimpse of the date. Youngjo was tossed in between exams, projects, and spending time with his friends and Hwanwoong that before he knew it, it was already February; He was finally going to graduate.

He's kinda sad that he can't be with Hwanwoong since the younger still had a year left but Youngjo was willing to wait and grab every opportunity they can to meet with each other. Time was slowly ticking away and if Youngjo continued to stay in his bed, he was going to be late for the ceremony and so he dragged himself to the bathroom to prepare for the day.

Youngjo was already in the venue along with his classmates and other batchmates. He was restless in his seat both in excitement and boredom since he still has to sit through a lot of speeches. He was alone by the seats, Geonhak and Seoho's graduation ceremonies finished a few days before but the two were in the back with Hwanwoong, Keonhee and Xion.

Speaking of them, Youngjo turned his head to look at his friend, seeing them waving and smiling. They really took some of their time to be with him in this special moment, Youngjo's heart warmed at the thought.

When his name was called to be on stage, Youngjo walked with confidence, shoulders straightened, chin up, and a calm expression however he couldn't control a smile from breaking on his face when he was at center stage and glimpsed at Hwanwoong. How Hwanwoong's face lit up in happiness, tears shining with unshed tears.

Hwanwoong couldn't deny the fact that he was proud of Youngjo. Youngjo was one of the top students in his batch and his professor had recommended Youngjo to one of the rising entertainment companies, WeUs. Youngjo was already accepted as an applicant and in 3 days, they'll be going to WeUs for Youngjo's interview.

Hwanwoong was thrilled and happy for Youngjo, the smile on his face never leaving his face until the end of the ceremony. The group of friends gathered around Youngjo after he met with his parents. And as usual both Keonhee and Seoho were loud, yelling 'congratulations hyung' and other unintelligible sounds. The remaining friends chuckled at the crazy antics by the loud couple.

"Could you quiet down? Everyone's looking at us plus my ears are gonna bleed with your loud voices." Geonhak scolded the two and Seoho retaliated saying 'it's impossible for your ears to bleed' which led the two to bicker.

Youngjo sighed as he looked at his bickering friends. Youngjo felt a kiss on his cheek, and saw Hwanwoong on his tiptoes, leaning on his shoulders just to kiss him. Youngjo smiled fondly and pressed a soft kiss on Hwanwoong's lips. Youngjo heard Hwanwoong whisper a 'congratulations' as Hwanwoong pushed a bouquet of flowers to his chest.

Youngjo's parents approached them later on, to tell Youngjo that they'll be leaving soon and invited them all to a small get together to celebrate Youngjo's graduation. When they arrived at Youngjo's house, Keonhee immediately raided the small buffet table along with Dongju. They gathered around one table, small talk here and there, bursting into laughter at moments and oftentimes they would fall into a comfortable. While everyone was busy talking, Youngjo tapped Hwanwoong. When he had Hwanwoong's attention, he whispered to him.

Shades of Blue  ⎸ravn x hwanwoongTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon