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Friday came too fast for Youngjo's liking. They had decided that they would travel to Hwanwoong's hometown on a Friday so that they can still explore around on Saturday and Sunday. Youngjo was nervous to meet Hwanwoong's family. Hwanwoong assured him a million times during the trip but Youngjo cannot relax.

The two now stood in front of Hwanwoong's house having just got out of the taxi. Hwanwoong held his hand as he opened the gate, his parents already waiting on their porch, happy smiles on their faces.

"I'm home!" Hwanwoong said, rushing to hug his parents. Leaving Youngjo to stand awkwardly outside, hands fiddling with his bag.

"Is this your boyfriend woong-ah?" His father asked after they had hugged their hearts out towards their only child. Youngjo smiled, trying his best not to look nervous and still standing a few meters away until Hwanwoong pulled him closer.

"Yes. Mom, Dad, this is Youngjo my boyfriend." Youngjo readied his hand for a handshake but he was surprised when he was pulled into a hug, but he was happy since Hwanwoong's parents seem to accept him.

They welcomed him immediately, dragging the two inside to have some afternoon snacks before they go exploring Hwanwoong's hometown or to just take a rest for a while. They talked for a while, asking him about his interests, plans in life, and telling him random but helpful advice, to name a few. Youngjo felt comfortable with their company. They were still talking when they heard a voice outside.

"Auntie! Mom said woong's home, is he here?" A tall handsome guy said, entering Hwanwoong's home. A wide smile graced his features as his eyes wandered around the room, looking for a certain person. When he found him, he sat beside Hwanwoong, immediately side hugging the younger.

Now Youngjo wasn't the kind to get jealous easily but he sure is jealous right now, even if he knew that he really shouldn't be jealous.

"Jongwoon, don't be rude. We have a guest here." Hwanwoong's mother scolded the stranger, now known as Jongwoon. Jongwoon separated himself from Hwanwoong and looked at him and Youngjo just looked at him straight in the eyes.

"Oh, I'm Jongwoon, Hwanwoong's cousin. Nice to meet you." Jongwoon said blithely and it irked Youngjo a little bit; probably because the feeling of jealousy still lingers in him even though he was Hwanwoong's cousin. But Youngjo didn't want to be rude so he toned down his jealousy until they were non-existent.

"Nice to meet you too. I'm Youngjo, Hwanwoong's boyfriend." Shaking the outstretched hand Jongwoon offered.

"Oh, our woongie found his soulmate?! I have to tell the others." Jongwoon stood up giving Hwanwoong's parents a peck to the cheek. "Sorry to have to make this reunion short but I have to gather the others. Woongie come to our house later and bring your boyfriend." And with that Jongwoon left, going to who knows where.

"Sorry about Jongwoon, he's always been a sprightly lad and just comes and goes as he pleases." Hwanwoong father said chuckling.

"It's okay"

"Mom, we're just going to put our things in my room and maybe rest a bit before going to aunt's place." The two excused themselves and Hwanwoong led him to his room. Youngjo was arranging their bags when Hwanwoong said sitting on the edge of the bed.

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