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"The moon looks beautiful tonight" Youngjo mused out loud, laying on the blanket they had spread out with Hwanwoong laying his head on Youngjo's chest, as they looked at the night sky.

The night was serene, no cloud was in sight, so nothing was obscuring both the moon and the twinkling stars. The wind was gentle, caressing their faces, sweeping their hair away from their face.

"Look hyung! It's the Ursa Major!" Hwanwoong exclaimed, excitedly pointing towards the mentioned constellation, a huge grin graced his features.

Currently they laid on a low hill that was near the camping site they were staying at. It was just the two of them. The two had planned to visit the famous campsite months ago, but the plan was always pushed under the rug for they found themselves busy with their jobs, with Hwanwoong in his dance studio and Youngjo was in a rush to finalize a song for a group's comeback.

They had finally found time to come here, so that was why they were there now, under the glistening night sky, just the two of them, in each other's presence. But there was something special tonight, for they weren't just here to spend the night together.

Youngjo was in his studio working on a song, but it wasn't just any song. Seoho had called him up asking Youngjo if he could do him a favor, and the elder couldn't really say no to his friend. So that day, they met up at a nearby café, where Seoho told him what he wanted from the elder. Seoho asked for Keonhee's hand months ago and now, they were at a planning stage for their wedding, which will happen in three weeks' time.

Seoho suddenly had the idea that he wanted to sing a song to Keonhee at their reception. But he didn't want to sing just any song, he wanted to sing his own song, however Seoho didn't have the slightest idea where to begin with. That was why he was asking (read as begging) Youngjo to help him. Hence, the two were in Youngjo's own studio, listening over what they had made so far, Seoho's angelic voice filled the studio.

"That sounded good already, we just need to finish writing the rest of the lyrics and we'll be done." Youngjo cheered, the clicking of the mouse could be heard as he made a few adjustments to the song on the monitor.

"That's nice to hear." Seoho beamed from beside him. He stood up from where he sat beside Youngjo and walked out of the room where a lounge could be seen. Seoho began to take the variety of snacks that he brought out of the bag and placed them on the table.

"Let's take a break Youngjo, I've brought some food on my way here." Seoho called for his friend, peeking through the doorway after he prepared the food on the table.

"Just a few moments Seoho, just need to finish this..." Youngjo trailed off, narrowing his eyes on the monitor, seemingly frustrated with who knows what. Pouting, Seoho marched towards Youngjo, grabbed hold of his chair, and turned it towards him.

"That's enough! You need to eat, who knows how long you've been stuck in this room before I came in." Seoho began, pulling Youngjo out of his chair which proved to be difficult for it seems like the elder (by months) was stuck in his chair.

Shades of Blue  ⎸ravn x hwanwoongWhere stories live. Discover now