Chapter 3: Support

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Rose's POV:

Even how calm I stay, it just wouldn't help. I've struggled a LOT. I've been through many challenges before, but this is the hardest one I've ever experienced. But, even how hard it is, I gave my very best to fight. I want to live, LONGER. I want to be together with my friends, my family. Will I make it through???

Hawk's POV:

Rose was laid on my lap, and she barely moves. She gasps for air every now and then, and seeing her situation like this breaks my heart into a million pieces. Yup, you heard it right. I love Rose, and this is the least thing that I wanted to happen to her..... but now that it is happening, what could I do? Everything seemed hopeless, even for a hero like me... I didn't get the chance to save the love of my life. But, it's not yet the end of the battle, right? Rose is fighting, and so we should be there for her. However hopeless we are, as long as she's fighting, we're ready to fight for her too.

Astoria's POV:

Rose, our most cheerful and lively friend, is struggling right now..... She's fighting in between life and death, because of saving everyone, once again. I can't believe this is happening to her. She have saved our lives before, for so many times. She have saved the whole Regal Academy before, but never endangered her self like this. The Snow Queen is way too powerful, hence, Rose's life is really in danger:( As her best friend, what should I do? Or, is there really anything I could do just to save her??? All I know right now, is that, we need to be by her side, whatever happens, to give our support to her.

Lingling's POV:

Rose, my dear friend, our dear friend, is in danger right now. But even as a warrior like me, I don't know what to do. She saved my life before, the first time we've met, during a competition. Even she didn't know me, and I am their enemy that time, she didn't have the second thoughts to help me, when she knew I needed it. And that isn't the first and last time she did that... Now, I think it's my turn to help her, and return the favor. But how??? What should I do??? How can I hlp her??? Yhe only thing in my mind right now is..... support. She need our full support on her. In that way, she'll be motivated to fight, and win this battle of hers. And that's what I should do.

Travis's POV:

Rose needs our help. It's obvious isn't it? She cheers us up every time we're down. She turns our frowns into sweet smiles. She saved us, the whole academy, and even the whole world for so many times, only using her wonderful ideas. But now, she's in great danger. We should do everything to help her. We all wanted her to live with us... Fulfill more dreams, and beat more villains... and in order to do that, she needs to win her battle. But it's way too hopeless. But still, we have trust in her, that she can do it no matter what.

Joy's POV:

I am very worried about Rose... what will happen to her??? Will she still survive??? What could I do to help her??? Everything seemed so hopeless... but seing Rose fighting is enough to boost my confidence in her. I know she can do it, despite the pain she's going through. All we have to do is trust her and support her. She can do it.

Rose's POV:

I can see everyone's worried faces, still full of hope... they're still trusting me, supporting me. I should continue to fight... but I'm too weak and tired. And cold. Freezing cold and shivering. I feel warmth from them, their love and support to me. That's all I need...

*gasp* "G -g -g - guys..." I said stuttering. I extended my arms to them, gesturing that I wanted them to hold my hands. "Rose were here, for you" Astoria said. I moaned and tried to hug myself closer, shivering, feeling pain and coldness all over my body. Lingling wrapped me with a blanket(I don't know where it came from😅) I felt it much better. They rested their hands in me trying to radiate heat. I appreciated their effirts, but it's just not yet enough. I'm freezing, like the temperature I feel is 1000 degrees below zero. I wanted to jump into fire, if there is, but I can't even stand up. Then realisation hit my mind and I suddenly remembered, the Snow Globes..... my mom and the teachers and others are all in there...

I gathered all my strength that's left in order to stand up, or just simply move. I can't... but as they realised I was trying to, they immediately asked me. "Rose, what's wrong?" Joy asked. "I n-n-need to s-s-stand up-p" I replied. "But why?" Hawk asked. "The Snow Globes..." I pointed out. They gasped as realisation hit their minds too, that we've forgotten all about them. "But how?" Travis asked(again) "the seventh great Fairytale Family, are them!" he continued as he pointed to the Snow Queen and Kira.

"That's right, we are the Seventh Great Fairytale Family, so you need our help!" the Snow Queen pointed out. "You need to let us go so we'll be able to help you" Kira replied with an evil smile. " You have no choice." they both said in chorus. *insert evil laugh*

Kira whistled and their family guardian dragon came. Blizzard roared, coming in from the door. He came closer to Kira and the Snow Queen. "Blizzard, free us" Kira said. Blizzard paused, looked around and dropped his gaze on me. I was standing next to Hawk leaning on him for support. I froze, as Blizzard looked at me. Blizzard insisted. " What are you waiting for?!" demanded the Snow Queen. He came closer to us, particularly, me. I froze as terror, fear, pain, and coldness fought inside me..... is this going to be my end??? Will Blizzard be the one to kill me???


That's it guys! What will happen next??? You'll know it later.... on the next chapter....

See ya!

Stay safe everyone❤️

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