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After the introduction and the socializing with the other royalties of nearby kingdoms as well as the European royals, I hurriedly went back to the Palace telling my father's advisor that I was feeling a bit queasy because of the weather and he let me go back surrounded by my own army of security. I was already on the hallways when I stopped walking and faced them all.

"I'm going to be sleeping so just stay in front of my door." I told them as a command and step inside of my room. Fools all of them are, I'm glad I've spent a lot of times reading about the ancient history of the Kingdom of Dièdre to know of the Palace's secret tunnels and passageways, I bet even the King is not aware of it since he's been traveling all the time carrying out duties and gathering investments from other countries. My brother's are often the one's being in charge of the kingdom. I hurriedly went into my closet and pushed the trunk filled with jewelries with all my might, the latch is on the floor and the walls has the hidden door connected to a passageway through the dungeon where tourist's often visit just to experience the history of that dreaded place. The dungeon has another hidden door that connects the palace to the town and that's where I'll be later on.

"Your highness, they sent me because you mentioned that you're feeling sick..." I heard the high pitched tone of one servant and the clinking of the glasses so I hurriedly went back to my room and into my bed, wrapped myself in the blanket and acted as though I was having a hard time feeling sick.

"It's me Princess and I know what you're planning to do." She whispered so I got of bed when I heard that it was Niera my right hand servant, the only one that I can trust within the palace walls. I didn't recognize her voice at first because it was too high pitched considering she's an old lady.

"Please let me out Niera, I badly want to experience being free again." She was like my mother, she raised me when I was still in the Harem. She kissed my forehead and pushed me into the closet to let me go and roam out once more. I know she knows the passageways too because she taught me how to read the ancient language of my people and the engravings on the palace with it's meaningful history. I'll definitely miss Niera when I will execute my royal escape, I just hope that she can still forgive me after that.

"Have fun my darling Maiara but remember to be back as a Princess before the moon rises on the desert of Dièdre." I gave her a hug and lift the hatch on the floor and slid through the hidden door on the walls. This is the only freedom that I can get but I will get out, I knew I will.

I was running freely on the darkness of the tunnel, with the dampness on my bare feet but I didn't care one bit. I was even hearing my private tutor for elegance and etiquette class saying that infamous quote I've memorized for misbehaving.

"You're a Princess, act like one."

The dark tunnels has molds but she didn't care although it was supposed to be a fact that should have disgusted a young woman of such gentle breeding. But then she had never really understood the whole 'delicate princess' misconception. She never needed the saving, she's a strong stubborn, willful woman.

It was just unlucky that she was born into the Royal family because she needs to be tamed and controlled by their father. It was at times like this, after escaping palace life for even a few hours that she felt alive.

After changing her clothes and a niqab on her head she raised her arms as the evacuation hatch opened and act as though she's a bird on the sky freely flying. Freedom at last.

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