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I was never raised to be a gentleman, and I'm no knight to rescue a Princess in her tower but as I was looking into her eyes I saw how much she wanted to be out of there. Even Prince Khalil seems to not expect the sudden announcement for the weddingof his dear sister. As the people cheered and congratulate the Princess for being able to snag a Prince I saw how she smiled without the gleam in her eyes and it's as though my heart is being stabbed multiple times as I look at the Princess pretending to be okay and still waving to her people.

"He's really trying to control, Deandra." The prince muttered and I saw how frustrated he was looking at the King who looks as though he won the world. The celebration ended but I know the Princess was defeated because of the announcement.

"Your highness,we have to go." The guards surrounded the Prince and the Princess and we're guided towards the Escalade back to the Palace. Princess Gabrielle and Princess Maiara were together and I felt as though the Prince will make me do something out of the ordinary with the look on his face right now. The aristocratic aura of his majesty is definitely felt in the car as he looks at me with that dangerous gleam in his eyes.

"If I told you something reckless and stupid, will you still do it for me?" I was only looking into his intense gaze and I didn't know what to say but if I hadn't met the Prince that one night in Russia I would've died on the hands of the mafia by then. He saved my life so I owe him and I know with whatever request he wanted me to do I have to obey.

"I'll always be thankful Khal, sure fire away." I told him and I saw how he smiled with that playful dark smile of his that I know means wicked business.

"Protect my sister at all cost Spencer, it might cause a national emergency once she escapes the country." He said and I was stunned because it's as though he wants me to babysit the Princess. How the hell can she escape anyway?

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