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“I call the bed closest to the window!” You announced as you jumped on the mattress happily.

“I’m so excited!” Azumi laughed, flopping back on her own bed. “And tired. Goodnight,”

“Huh?!” You gaped at her. “We just got here! It’s only 9 o’clock! You can’t go to bed yet!”

“Just because you’re going to be up all night doesn’t mean I have to!”

“I’m going to drag you into my misery!” You yelled, tugging at her ankle and attempting to pull her onto the floor. “Up! Get up!”

“I want to sleep!!”

“And I need someone to look at memes with all night!” You whined.

“Get someone else to do it! I’m sure Bokuto would be delighted!”

You paused. “That’s a good idea! Azumi! We should invite everyone else over!”

She glanced up at you. “Like… for a sleepover?”

“Well, we’d probably have everyone go back to their rooms eventually, but yeah!”

She perked up. “Okay! I’ll get Bokuto and Akaashi!”

“I’ll get Maru and Yumiko!”

“What about Konoha and Komi?” She raised an eyebrow.

“We could always just leave them out…?” You suggested.

“But they’d probably throw a fit if they ever found out,” Azumi mused.

“Good point! We’ll wake them up too!”


“Why are we here again?” Maru yawned as she sat down on the floor with the rest of you.

“Mostly because I was bored but also to have fun!” You smiled at her, then glanced at Azumi, who was by the balcony. “Can you open the doors?”


“Hey Konoha, truth or dare?” Komi asked suddenly, staring excitedly at his friend.

“Huh? This is the game we’re playing?” He blinked.

“Now it is!” Azumi agreed, sitting down next to the other libero.

“Uhhh… okay. Truth,” 

“Blaghh! Wimp!” You stuck your tongue out.

“Huh?! What’d you mean?!” He glared at you.

“Only wimps choose truth on the first turn! Be a man and choose dare!” You teased.

“I feel like that’s ironic coming from you,” he narrowed his eyes.

“Everything is ironic coming from (Y/N),” Maru rolled her eyes.

“I’m the biggest man you’ll ever meet!” You crossed your arms.

“Fine! I’ll choose dare! Komi, what’s the dare?!” He threw his hands up in defeat.

“Mmmhhh… you have to reenact your  first year presentation of Abraham Lincoln,” Komi snorted as Konoha’s eyes widened. 

“In front of all of them!?”

“You did it in front of our entire class!”

“Fine,” he stood up, walking to a part of the room where it was less crowded, before doing a handstand and clearing his throat. “This is my presentation about my old pal Abe Lincon. All I know about him is that he stopped slavery, kind of, and was a homosexual. Oh, and he was killed in a theater, but that’s not the sad part. Apparently his dog was killed too! WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD KILL A DOG?! SCREW THE PRESIDENT WHAT ABOUT HIS DOG?!”

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