Fights.. S1E24

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Y/n: Wtf is wrong with her, walking in my house and being a smart ass. Charli looks down. Charli: Ever since the car crash, Dixie was different. But also in her style. You look at her confused. Charli: Anyways, I'm a let you sleep, bye bye! You are confused of what just happened but you wave and she walks out. You quickly make sure your front door is locked and you run back up into your bedroom.
-Next morning-
You wake up and realise you still have to go to school. You start to get ready and then walk downstairs. You make yourself breakfast and eat. When your finished eating you then go outside. You quickly check the mail box when you see a familiar face walking to there car. Boy: Y/n? Your my neighbour. You look back and realise it's Noah.

Y/n: Heh.. yea I guess. Noah: Eh well see you at school. You quickly enter your car and drive off. As your parking at the school, addi comes up to your window. Addi: Open your window. You roll your eyes and open it. Y/m: What? You say while grabbing your bag. Addi: A lot of people here still don't believe your story so just watch out if they attack you. Y/n: They basically can't and why would you care? Addi: Y/n.. you aren't getting the hint, I believe your story and I am trying to explain to the sway but th-. You interrupt: I don't even care anymore.

You bust open the door and walk into the school. Everyone stares so you approach them. Y/n: You guys can quit staring or let me explain AGAIN so you choose, bye! You storm off to your locker and you can hear loads of people following you. Your still walking with the pack of students behind you when you come across the whole sway talking, even mads. Noah: You decides to stop by, aww. Y/n: Nah trying to get away from them but I guess your here. You roll your eyes

Mads: Was the rumour true? Y/n: You know what mads it wasn't true and how did you even get in the house. Mads stutters and runs away. Y/n: Pathetic. Avani: Y/n, we are sorry we didn't beli-. You interrupt: But you believed her, our enemy!! You run off with watery eyes so you go to the bathroom to fix yourself up. As your wiping your eyes and fixing your make up, you hear 2 familiar voices. Person1: Hey girlie, I was on a holiday. Do I look more tan. Paerson2: Yea bishh. They laugh and walk in.

It was.. Larri and Dixie!? Dixie: oh look it's my ugly step sister. Y/n: Same goes for you. Larri: Omg Y/N AHH I HAVENT SEEN YOU. He hugs you. Larri: Bish? Are you crying. You look down. Dixie: Leave her, she is a baby. You look up and kick the back of her legs, causing her to fall on the bathroom floor. Y/n: I'm a baby huh? Dixie: It's not like you do boxing or karate but all you know is to kick probably. You squint your eyes and walk up to her. Y/n: I'm in the karate master team b**ch.

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