Chapter 1

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There are stories in this world. Stories told to scared little children, to rebellious teenagers, and to ignorant adults. No one seems to realize the truth behind them. Those fantastical creatures, from your mythology and fairy tales? Those exist. The monsters hidden under beds and in closets? Real. Ghosts and other horrific creatures? Also very realistic. In truth, nothing is impossible.

 You need to remember that as this story is told. Everything exists. Every story you have ever heard exists. And you need to listen. Because this story can save lives, if you stupid humans would just believe in something other than what your senses tell you. And I suppose we must stop stalling and tell this story.

But I must warn you. When you begin reading this, the world will become a whole lot stranger. The impossible will be explained. And the world as you know it will end. Of course, if you stop right now, none of this will happen. You will continue your sorrow-filled, insignificant life without a care in the world, and you will be oblivious to the truth. But you will be safe. To be perfectly honest, I don’t know what I want you to choose. But to those of you who read on, beware. And may the stars guard you throughout the darkness and the shadows. Good luck, weary traveler.

Humanity. It seems to be such a fragile thing. Often one of the first things lost after a hardship. Often the only thing that keeps Homo Sapiens from blending with other creatures in this world. But some are different than others. Those are known as mutants. I, on the other hand, am something entirely . . . alien.

I know, you humans think that aliens have bald heads, green skin, and maybe antennas. I am very much like you in appearance, for the most part. I am able to blend in with some . . . special talents. But all things come at a cost.

I have lived for more than a thousand years, yet, I still retain the appearance of some of your twenty year olds. I have seen ages rise and fall from the ashes of empires, and I have seen death beyond number. War is one of the present things among this life, as is hunger, though I have found that there are more kinds of hunger than just the feeling in your belly.

There was once a time when I believed in second chances, in renewal. Now, I see that there truly is no such thing. Evil may be made instead of born, but once it claims someone, it does not let go until the good embeds itself within, no matter what the reason.

Our story begins long ago, far above the Earth’s skies. Among the stars, nestled in between meteors and plants, was a dwarf planet, containing life. My planet, named Jierdarven. To give you an idea of Jierdarven’s size, we only contained one major city. Yes, we were small, and at the time of my birth, we were in civil war. The smaller villages had risen up against the king and the prince, the latter being a mere age of ten years. As a rule, no one but family and the closest of friends was supposed to know your name, unless you were of my rank, which was practically a slave. Then, everyone knew you by a name, whether it was your true one or not.


I was born in the middle of a battle, when the skies burnt bright red as a sign of the flaming catapults, and the dragons were roaring themselves hoarse as their leader, the Life Dragon, fought in the harshest combat. It happened in a split moment, but I do not believe anyone saw.


Among my memories, before I could fully comprehend anything, I saw a strange light flow through the window as I was brought away from my mother. And that light flew into me. I remember clearly the screams that followed upon the midwives discovering my new “growths.” My mother happened to be the queen. In her first and only act to protect me, she ordered one of the present maids, Martha, to take me in as her own. The queen agreed to sneak Martha extra money for my care, and Martha was told to keep my wings a secret.


That was many a year ago, truth be told. But when I reached the age of sixteen, the attacks of the villagers reached the citadel and the stronghold of the city. At the time, I had become great friends with the Great Dragons, whose leader had been the Life Dragon I spoke of earlier. Somehow, the twelve of them managed to transport me through worlds, and I gained an assortment of new powers.


Among those powers, the ability to find and travel through portals, dragging me from world to world, until I have at last come to yours. I’ve been here for a while, ever since the Egyptians actually. I’ve managed to blend in, but this year, this year your kind find out the truth. About everything.

There is an evil in this world. And while I have become more of a fighter than a servant girl, I may not be able to overcome it. This is the story of the beginning of the End. I bid you the best of luck, my dear reader.

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