Chapter 10

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I tossed a towel into the laundry basket and ran my hand through my hair. I skipped down the stairs and into the kitchen where Lucy waited for making Irene pancakes. “Are you sure that Irene is alright with this?” I asked, looking at the flour uneasily.

“Oh sure, she’s always saying how she would like breakfast in bed every once in a while. I’ve never learned how to make pancakes, and if you do. . . she’ll be so happy!” She closed her eyes in a grin and I couldn’t get over how much she and Irene looked alike.

“Well, while I may not know how to drive, I have picked up a thing or two with cooking. Let’s get started, shall we?”

A half hour later, we had put together a tray of pancakes, orange juice, syrup and strawberries. And we had cleaned the kitchen and finally gotten all of the flour out of Lucy’s hair. Lucy picked a few wildflowers and set them in a small vase on the tray and I sent her up the stairs to give Irene the food.

I waited a few minutes and listened to Irene’s exclamations and Lucy’s giggles before closing my eyes and smiling. I set their dishwasher to start in a few hours and washed my hands and some of Lucy’s hair down the kitchen drain before going back to the living room to fix the couch up and fold my blankets.

I looked up as the stairs creaked slightly and saw Irene grinning. “Lucy told me you helped her make me pancakes,” she said as she descended the rest of the way. “Thank you.”

“It was the least I could do after you took me in last night. It’s me who should thank you.” I finished folding the rest of the blankets and laid it into its basket.

“How about a truce?” Irene laughed. “I remember when I was your age. I couldn’t stand kids and I was completely dependent on my parents. And I was so carefree. You and I are as different as night and day.” She walked into the kitchen while tying her hair up.

“Believe me, you have no idea.” I mumbled and heard a knock at the door.

“Faith Abernithy, open this door. Come out unarmed and no one will get hurt.”

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