Chapter 6

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I wandered towards the east. The east was good. Or maybe it was my homing instincts. After all, I had started in the east.

I kicked a rock and absently muttered in Jierdarvien. “Hava kad tum yala fwyn.” This is my kingdom come. That was a saying that has been repeated to me throughout the millenniums. But I wouldn’t get to that if the stupid feds kept showing up and ruining the whole point of me blending in.

I suppose the upside of having an entire government agency that no one has heard of after you is that you are never on the news as a wanted criminal. Positivity does wonders, on occasion.

I emerged from the field and blinked in surprise. A road. I wondered where I was, but I couldn’t be too far away from home. I could always head back in a couple of days if I needed. When everything was calmed down. Until then, I needed a place to hide out.

Lucky for me, there was a house just a little ways down the road. Downside, I probably looked like a serial killer. Ah, well, it was worth a shot.

I rang the doorbell and quietly waited, attempting to wipe my bare feet on a mat in front of the door. A middle aged woman opened the door. Her dark blonde hair was pulled back into a bun and she looked like she had had a very trying day.

“If you’re from the credit bureau or from the law firm, go away.” She said grouchily, holding a preteen child away from the door.

“I’m not from either one of those. I’m sorry, but I was mugged. Could I please come in?” I attempted to straighten my clothes properly.

“Oh,” she stepped back to allow me to enter. “I’m so sorry if I came off as a rude woman, and no offense, but your timing isn’t the best.”

“So I guessed. Sorry about that,” I walked in and waved sheepishly at the half-child.

“What’s your name?” the woman asked.

“Uh, Faith. Sorry, but I just met you and I don’t exactly have the best of trust.” I gave the pair a crooked grin. “What’s yours?”

“I’m Lucy Banks!” the kid piped up eagerly, then cowered as her mother gave her a stern look.

“So you would be Mrs. Banks?” I asked, praying she wouldn’t think I was a serial killer.

“Huh, not exactly. My name’s Irene Abernithy. It’s nice to meet you, Faith.”

“Zora.” Irene looked at me in a confused manner. I smiled sadly. “My name is actually Zora.”

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