Chapter 4

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I waited for the right moment, then I ran towards the end of my roof and made a wild leap towards the oak tree. Of course, I’m not the most graceful creature in the world. So, naturally, I had to miss a branch and fell a few feet before making a solid connection with the tree. “Idiot,” I muttered under my breath, standing stock-still as the gunmen regained control of themselves.

Just as they were regaining control, the ground started to tremble. The gunmen scattered to cover yelling something about an earthquake, I could only say one thing to that,

“You fools wish that that was all it was.” I said sorta cocky.

I looked up to see them moving toward me. Then Frank told them to put down their guns, he then turned his attention toward me. He started to speak, “Miss Abelard, we don’t want to fight.”

“Then let me be,” I shouted,  jumping down and sprinting as if the Devil himself was after me. It began to rain sand, which is actually a very useful weapon. It absolutely kills when it gets in your eyes, it’s disgusting when it gets in your mouth and nose, and you can’t run in the stuff. It’s best if you don’t know how I know. Let’s just say that experience is a very good teacher.

I knew that the dragon would protect me but I didn’t think it would like this. I expected the quake but not the sandstorm.

But I made it. Glory, glory, and hallelujah, I made it. That was the upside, the downside was that I seemed to be in the middle of a cornfield, the equivalent of the middle of nowhere. How far had I ran, and how fast.

I looked up at the polluted sky and I wondered how I could get myself into so much “trouble.” But I guess it must have been fate. Because I had a sense of deja vu seeing Frank..

Starlight, StarbrightNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ