Chapter 19

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“We need to send decoys somewhere!” I pointed out on Alana’s oversized map in the room we had claimed was the Operations Room.

“But why China?” Alana complained. “You know I hate Chinese food.”

“Dragons have strong ties within China. It would make sense I would go there if I didn’t go somewhere within Europe. Besides, I don’t have your tongue in mind when I make these plans.” I explained, spinning my chair wildly.

Alana crossed her arms grouchily. “Maybe not, but why do I have to go?”

“Well, it isn’t just you, ya know,” Lucy was also mad about whom I was sending away, out of where the real danger would take place. “Why can’t Irene and I go with you?”

“I’ve already explained this!! Hasn’t anyone been listening to a word I’ve been saying?” Frank raised his hand. “Good!” I sighed.

“No, actually, I was wondering if you could explain everything again. I think I may have drifted off.”

I groaned. “It isn’t worth repeating if it isn’t worth listening to the first time.”

 "So, we're winging it then?" Irene asked excitedly.

"You too?! I feel so violated and betrayed right now!!" I exclaimed. I moaned and plopped back down in my swiveling chair.  "What am I supposed to do if you nitwits don't listen? How am I supposed to lead an army if I can't get four humans to listen to me?" I closed my eyes and leaned my head back. "If only we had better bait for my brother . . . ." My eyes snapped open. "Better bait!!" I jumped from my chair. 

"Are you feeling okay?" Frank asked.

"That's just it: better bait," I started to speak as fast as my tongue would allow and I began to pace. "We need to get my brother away from Ireland, right? And he's after me, correct? So all we need to do is send me away from Ireland and announce it to the whole universe, if possible."

"But I thought you were going to absorb the tree thingy," Lucy interrupted.

I grinned. "I am," I handed her a mirror. "But I'm also going to go to China." In an instant, Lucy had become my look-alike. 

It was really just a simple rearranging of her molecules, nothing that was immediately noticeable by the "test subject." Really comes in handy for escape plans, especially if you do it to yourself. Better you don't know how many times I've had to do that.

Lucy gasped and the others blinked in shock. "Wait . . . I'm still going to China?"

"Nope," I shook my head, forcing myself to be cheerful. "I am. You will make something up to the others, understood? No one leaves this city until I come back."

"But why are you going to China?" Irene asked quietly.

"Because I need to buy some time," I answered. "I'll be back faster than a dragon's breath!" I opened the window and leapt out, changing around my molecules and manipulating my DNA until I had become a merlin and was soaring through the sky in disguise.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2015 ⏰

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