Chapter 7

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I stared in awe at the dragons. I had to snap out of it. The others. . . An ear piercing scream split the air. Zora!!! I turned towards the dragon stables. They were on fire, and surrounded by soldiers of both sides. But they had taught me everything of huge importance. And now I could return a part of the favor. Two swords appeared in each of my hands, seeming to come from thin air. I flapped my wings and nodded, finally turning away from the two battling dragons.

Of course, there had to be about two hundred men fighting for the dragons. And I had to go past them to get to the giant doors of the stables. I crouched close to the ground and gathered myself. Then, I gave a mighty flap and I was high in the air. I crossed my swords as I rode a thermal closer to the stables, and muttered, “Loisg urchair!” A bright burst of blue and white fire fired itself into the group of soldiers, and cleared my way to the door.

I tucked my wings in close for a dive and tucked my head into my shoulder as I became a living battering ram. I rammed into the doors and rolled across the ground. Soldiers yelled and shouted, on both sides, giving me time to release the dragons. Or, at least I hoped it was enough time.

I gently flapped to each door to each stall and undid the locks, using my sword tips as lockpicks. Calathiel emerged, her golden form accented by the fire. Thank you, child. But where is Slade, I was calling for him, but there was no answer.

“Oh, I think he turned into a dragon. And he’s huge.” I unlocked the last stall and landed, wincing as my right wing complained about my dramatic entrance.

So it has begun, Zermanion sniffed the air and growled uneasily.

“What’s begun?” I asked, blushing at how oblivious I still was at so much.

“The prophecy, of course.” We all turned to the door, staring at a shadow blocking our way to freedom as the smoke came pouring in.

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