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"We'll run for our lives. That's what's this game is all about. Good luck and let's see which team takes the win home."

A normal PE lesson. Boring, but a little exiting since we're playing a new game called 'Run for your life'. A little too harsh name, I think, but whatever. I suppose we'll run a lot then?

The rules are simple. We'll be picking up flat cones and place them on the other team's normal cones. As soon as you pick up a flat cone, the other team can make you hand over the cone to the player that touches you. If you get one handed over to you or pick one up yourself, you can't put it back without getting touched. Also, if getting touched, you have to go to the "prison." You can get rescued from the prison, and it's not very complicated. Another teammate just has to jump on one leg around it.

The whistle goes off and everyone starts to run. I try to keep up with the rules and after a while I've mastered it.

"One more!"

"C'mon everybody!"

"Almost there!!"

And boom. He puts down the flat cone and everybody shouts happily. We won the first game! 1 out of 2 complete. Now let's keep that up and win this shit.

We take the lead and almost everyone is gathered around the last cones. Then, all of a sudden, I hear the winning whistle through the air. We did it.

My teammates and I go and give our orange bands back to our teacher, Martoshus.
But when all of us try to gather around in the misshaped circle, the clouds start to go crazy.

"What the heck is happening??" Someone shouts.

It's getting dark around us and my eyes drag themselves to the only source of light there is; which happen to be a portal, shining of all the colours in the world.

I look around and see another portal behind me. But it soon shrinks and implodes, as a big, disgusting creature steps out of it. It bathes in its own pus and slowly begins to run in my direction.

I look back at the portal in front of me and sees it shrinking there as well. I'm too curious about what's on the other side of the portal, so without a second thought I do it.

I run the fastest I can towards the portal. Yes, I run for my life, and the creature, which I'm sure of that I've seen somewhere before, chases behind me for either the portal itself or just me. When I at last reach the now very small light, I look behind me one last time.

"Goodbye, boring world" I say and walk through the portal right before it closes.

I see all different colours around me, but soon only blue. Then, as the ocean breaks and lets other shades into my mind, I realise where I am. Because this is a beautiful world and that is the Boar Hat over there!

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