Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Minghao." I heard Chan yell and he was waving his arm for me to come sit down right next to him. I walked over and sat down.

"Chan I don't have money and I'm starving, can I have some of your lunch."

"Sure Hyung." Chan said smiling "so how are things coming with Junhui- Have you talked to him yet."

"Mmmm~ nope."

"Hyung stop being a scaredy cat and just talk to him."

"Chan you can't be calling me a scaredy cat when you won't even talk to Seungcheol." I saw Chan's face turn red and he hit my arm then he walked away. I just laughed at him and went back to eating lunch.

After lunch I walked to my 6th period class, which was math. I hated math but the only reason I liked goin was because I sit next to Junhui. We never talked we would only exchange glances. I think I'm going to try to talk to him today!

I opened the classroom door and I walked to my seat. I heard the door opened and I saw Junhui walk in. He sat next to me and he smiled at me, I would of made a conversation but he put his headphones in before I could. I sigh and I felt all my confidence go away.

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