Chapter 9

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Chapter 9
-Mpreg is mentioned

"Minghao I told you not to fall for him." Jeonghan whined. "Now look at you, your a mess. You haven't gone to school in a week, you eat nothing but ice cream and you watch Kdrama's all day and night. Minghao you have been throwing up every morning! That's not normal."

I groaned in frustration by my Hyung's nagging. "Hyung you tell me this everyday." I whined.

Jeonghan sadly sighed and walked away. I heard Jeonghans doorbell ring and I went with him to see who it was. Jeonghan opened the door and I saw the one person I didn't want to see. Jun.

"Jeonghan close the door." I whined and tried to push it close but Jun was stronger then me and he pushed open the door.

"Minghao let me talk to you."

"No Jun I don't want to talk to you."

I saw Jun's eyes tear up and he ran out of the house. I felt bad after I saw his eyes tear up. I wanted to run after him and let him explain but my heart was saying no. I laid down on the couch and went on my phone.

I saw an ad pop up on a game I was playing
"Signs you are pregnant"
-morning sickness
-mood swings

"Wait I've been getting sick ever morning after what happened with Junhui. Also I've been craving a lot of things and my moods have been different. But wait I'm a boy how can I get pregnant." I thought

"Wait, Jeonghan come here." I saw Jeonghan walk over to me and sat down on the couch. "Jeonghan I think I'm pregnant"

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