Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

It was a few months later and my baby was due any time now.

"Jun, lets go get ice cream." I said

"Hao? It's the middle of winter."

"I don't care." I said with a sassy tone.

"Fineee, come on let's go."


"God you act like a child sometimes."

I pouted and hit Jun's arm. He grabbed his keys and as I was walking to the door I felt water running down my legs.

"Jun, I think my water broke."

"Omg it did, come on let's go."

He grabbed a bag we had ready; he ran to start the car. Jun was driving fast enough that he was being careful enough so we didn't crash. We made it to the hospital in under 5 minutes.

"Hao? Are you fine to walk."

I nodded and we walked into the hospital. A nurse came up to us and asked what's wrong.

"He's pregnant and his water broke."

"Oh okay."

We started following her and we walked into a room.

"Okay a doctor will come in a few minutes." The nurse told us.


"Hao? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I think so." My voice came out shaking.

A doctor came in and he explained that I'm going to have a c section and I need to get prepped.

I got the hospitals gown on and I laid down on the bed.

"Jun, will you be there with me."

"Yes, I will be right by your side."

A/N: I'm sorry this chapter is so bad:(((

I will try to update again today!

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