Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I was sitting at home, laying in bed. I was really and had nothing to do. I decided I want to go to my favorite cafe, so I got up and got dressed; I grabbed my phone and my wallet then I walked out the door.

I reached the cafe and I grabbed the handle and pulled the door open. "Hello." I was greeted by a worker, I bowed and said hi back. I went up to the counter to order and I saw so one other than 'Wen Junhui' I got really nervous and I started stuttering my order.

"Um I'll h-have a-a green t-tea." I stuttered

He nodded and smiled and I wanted to collapse right there. "He's so hot." I said really quiet but I'm guessing he heard it

"Thank you I know I am." He winked and went to make my drink

My face was bright red and I was so embarrassed he heard that.

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