Discovering The Dimensions

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/A/N/ Maybe some of you have already read the beginning of this chapter. I kind of accidentally uploaded it before I finished writing it... T^T

Lora's (OD) p.o.v

' Do you think they'll be alright in the End?' Galleous asks.

' You guys want to find Achillean, now is the best time. Most of the Voltaris are at the End, the Walls of Time will be mostly empty, making it easier to get you guys to the beacon.'

' I don't get why we can't just build another beacon with gold blocks...' Keiran says.

' We made modifications to the beacon, so if you just build another beacon it won't work,' Loris tells him.

' Then build one with the modifications added,' he says.

' Well, none of the Voltaris who did the modifications are on our side, and the rest of us have no clue how they did it,' Loris says.

' I'm still worried about the others at the End...' Galleous says.

' I'm sure they'll be fine,' Vulcannus assures him, ' Pythus and Abbigail are there, and they don't go down easily.'

' Neither does Ingressus, or Tygren, or Zinaida, or-'

I cut him off, ' Just...relax, I'm sure they'll be fine.'

We finally reach the foot of the mountain.


Nalla's p.o.v

We make our way to the clearing where we ran into the Deathsinger last time.

Many Ardoni had gathered for this attack. Even the Tidesinger.

Of course, the Voltaris clan don't know about this. The masters didn't want to take any risks.

' Fan out.'

All of us split up, going into different tunnels. I enter the one on the right, and Elion follows.

The tunnels split into more tunnels. Eventually, the groups split and split until it was only me, Elion and a Nestoris left.

' There doesn't seem to be anybody around here...' Elion says.

' I doubt it, let's keep looking,' the Nestoris tells him.

' Look out!'


Amora's p.o.v

Me, Argus and Kyan had been going in this tunnel for a long time now. It was getting really dark, our markings were the only light source.

' Don't you have a night vision Song, Amora?' Kyan asks me.

' Yes...'

' We can't really see anything, can you use it?'

' Sure...' I summon my Supporium Song. Way better.

The tunnel went on and on, it was probably endless.

Suddenly, Kyan holds up his hand.
' Wait.'

' Wha-'

' I hear something,' he cuts Argus off.

The three of us stop, making no noise so we could try to hear what Kyan heard.

' I don't hear anything...' Argus says.

' Hold on!' Footsteps. I hear them.

' Behi-'

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