Pink lemonade

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Hydraulic press kept being a little bitch so Shrek threw him out of the window. Shrek had his knives and hammer so he got down to buisness. Kocoochie kept screaming when parts of him got cut off but it's not like Shrek cared. He needed to practice his cooking and find good recipes, Kocoochie won't be getting in the way of that.

"W-whyyyyy are you doing this?" Kocoochie repeated.

"My movie my movie..." Shrek sang quietly ignoring the little Piss Baby. Kocoochie kept talking getting louder and louder. Shrek tried calming down by saying 'bobobobobo' but it didn't help at all.


Kocoochie cried quietly and, eventually died of blood loss. Shrek was having a fun time cooking, seasoning, and eating Kocoochie's body. Shrek came up with a special sauce using Kocoochie's bright pink blood and some pee from when Kocoochie was unconscious and literally piss ed himself that cunt.

"Mmmmm tasty" Shrek licked his fingers and thought about this delicacy making him big bucks.

"Hmmmm...maybe I'll save some for Hisokadik.. yeah!" So off Shrek stompity stomped over to Hisokaik's house. He kockity knocked and in like one milisecond Hisokadik opened the door.

"Hey Shrek, have you seen Kocoochie he hasn't been answering his phone.." Hisokadik explainededed.

"He's probably hanging put with Hydraulic Press" Shrek answered but not without muttering "in Hell."

"AwwwWwWeEWE Sell ESEw that's Co cuUthjutErfe!!!!" (Aw that's so cute) Hisokadik screamed.

"So cute I know UwU" Shrek replied. "So anyways I brought you some food and I made it myself with some.... help from Kocoochie. I even made a special sauce I wanted you to try it!" Shrek smiled with his stupid minecraft block heroin addict lookin teeth and held out a container full of KOCOOCHIE'S BODY PARTS?!?!?!? but Hisokadik didn't know that... or that he was about to eat his friends blood and pee with the food too. Shrek gave Hisokadik Kocoochie's dick because well.... he suck a dick- Hisokadik got a glob of the sauce and crunched.*This scene is making me gag (:*

"This is delicous! You'll definitely cook great on the show! Make sure you use that sauce it's the best part!" Hisokadik did his creepy :] smile.

"Mhm... Anyways I just wanted to point out you look like a damn clown with that makeup on and without it you just look like tentacle hentai." Shrek deadpanned.

"Such cruel words.... get out of my house now if you're gonna be rude. If you dont have nice things to say don't say them at. All." Hisokadik put his hand up like a bratty five year old and turned his head away. Hisokadik scoffed afterwards too. He fucking scoffed. Damn clown ass motherfuc--
"Fine! You little cunt" Shrek shouted and stomped away.

A/N it's 9:25am I'm in class. enjoy. (Pink lemonade for Kocoochie's blood and pee)

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