Idiot Sandwich

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Shrek walked off the plane and headed to get his l u g g a g e. He hummed Monokuma's Theme because it was stuck in his head like the Gordon por- Shrek finally saw his suitcases and grabbed them quickly. He wasn't sure where to go now but he knows to meet with the other contestants. He saw them all talking and getting to know each other ahead so he stomped over there.

"Hello there!" Shrek sported his swaggy nasty ass wonky smile. All the contestants noticeably stepped back with eyes wide as Shrek's assho-

"H-hello you...,um,.....,.......,,,.?.."

"What? Ò○Ó" Shrek looked angyyyyy. Ruh roh guys 😱😱😱

"Shrek" Shrek heard Gordon's voice.
*turns around in slow motion eyes wide hearts flying everywhere jazz music playing while gordon walks in slow-motion hair waving around and he's smiling and shrek just OwO'ing*

"G-gordon I-I um-" Shrek stammered a brown blush spreading across his nasty ass puke face.

"Hey there 😎😎😎" (imagine him literally saying sunglasses emoji ×3) Gordon responded.

"Hello to all of you!" Gordon shouted like Tarzan.
Contestants Include:

• Monokuma himself
• Nagitoe
• Sleepy?!?!?!😱😱😱
• The Queen of England
• My Pastor
• Mr.Cox
• Mag
• Sans!
• Lord Forehead
•Master Seafood (Shifu)
• Twilight Sparkle

A/N: introducing... the people Shrek is up against. Hope you're prepared.😱😱⁉❗⁉❗😱😳😳🎵🎤😩😩😩💔😍😭😔

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