The Note 😳👀😝✨😲🤨

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                                   -TIME SKIP-
So, now was time for the cooking. I wasn't worried because I'm the best obviously. All these amateurs have no idea what they are doing and it's apparent. Our supplies were all sitting at various counters and the judges were looking over the options. I took this moment to look at the note Gordon wrote me. I would obviously cherish it forever because Gordon touched it. I pulled a tiny piece of the paper and put it into one of my nasty ass tunnel antennae ears. The note read;

Hello my dearest Shrek,
I'm honestly delighted you came on my show! You know....I have been waiting particularly for you to come on my show because you show so much potential! I'm craving your food and I can't wait to have it all to myself 😳 oh.... I wasn't thinking about food....well a snack....I was.... Shrek I'm in love with you.

WHAT THE FLYING FUCKING FIDDLESTICKS??? Gordon..... Gordon likes me...? My nasty diarrhea face turned puke brown as I blushed. Monokuma looked over and nearly scared the living maggots out of my nose!
"Puhuhuhu what's the paper say you green lump of shit?" His face turned bright red and he smirked laughing loudly. I shoved the paper in my pocket instantly.

"It says nothing it's simply a drawing," I made up quickly.
"Puhuhu your bread stick says otherwise ^^ shrek....are you sure?" Monokuma kept pressing the situation but then Gordon clapped his hands loudly.
"Alright guys! The clock starts in five minutes you better get prepared!" Gordon shouted banging on his chest like a caveman on crack. We went to our cooking areas and prepared our ingredients. I fixed donkey and got everything I needed.  Then the clock had ten seconds left until we started.










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