The ✨F l i g h t✨

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Shrek angrily chomped on Kocoochie's body but decided to save his special sauce for tommorow. Shrek thought about what he should name his sauce but he couldn't think when he was eating such I walked into his house and went to sleep powering up for the big day tomorrow.
                                             ____LATER LOSERS____
Shrek was getting ready to fly to Las Vegas. Obviously he woke up early to pack but he almost missed his flight the stupid ogre. He was so out of shape but he can't miss his flight. He ran as the final boarding announcement was called and he made it! He friggin made it everyone congratulations 👏👏👏 mwah beautiful.

"ticket...sir?"the guys was obviously shaken by shrek appearance. Shrek smirked and replied

"I don't need one" then strolled onto the plane. Shrek thought about all the adorable facial expressions Gordon was gonna make when he got mad. He thought about how Donke will taste great and most of all he thought about winning Gordons heart...and all the money of course. Shrek finally heard the announcement that they were a few minutes away so he put his headphones and laptop where he was watching pornhub of deepfake Gordons away. He smiled to himself as the plane came to a stop and he walked off ready as he'll ever be.

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