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He would be that silent and shy cousin but will get a long with you after awhile. When he first comes to your house, he didn't look at you at all. But after taking him to your room, he starts to talk like "is this you?" Or like "what's your age by the way?". You both will definately get along well. At the evening, you guys would cook or play something. After coming to your house for twice or thrice, you can say that he's one of the talented but annoying cousin. Cousin's are annoying but loving anyway. Would slap your shoulder when he's laughing hard.


He looked at you for awhile, before looking at his mom "I'll be back later" he ran to his room while giving you weird glances on his way to his room. After your mom and your aunt forced you to go to his room, you stood up and went to his room. When you knocked on his door, he opened but got a little startled. You sensed that he has a starting trouble, so you joked to lessen the tension between you two "Do I look like an walking potato? Why are you getting startled by me?" He looked at you and processed what you were talking before letting out an airy laugh. "I'm sorry, I'm not that socialising". After talking to him, you can say that you regret you decision, But you both become bestfriends and cousins after that day.


When you first went to his house, he was sitting on the couch in a weird position. Got startled at your family's sudden arrival though. But he's talkative, he took you to his room and showed all his certificates and troffies he got, definitely a bragging mission, lol. Has the most embarassing moments, his mom would show his funny pictures of him when he was young, while he feels like digging a hole and crawling into them and never coming back. You and your brother would laugh at him all the time his mom brings up embarassing moments of him. He would give his mom a judging glare or would fake a smile at everyone.


Definitely a adorable cousin you'll ever have. You're a lot more clumsy comparing to your other family members. He tries to hold back his smile or laugh everytime you get scolded. He goes to the same school as you, because you wanted him to. Shy towards everyone but you. Would get flustered whenever you talk about your crushes to him, "Oh my god, it's him!" You squealed when you're crush walks past you both, he would look down trying to hide his face. Smiles all day no matter what, even when he gets scolded if he saw you he would try so hard to hide his smile/ laugh. Like said, a cousin you'll ever have.


A best friend more than a cousin. When he came from Australia, he was a giggling dumpling. Since you're a crackhead, he would always laugh at the 'jokes' you make. When in reality, you just complained about your life for 24/7. Also, he would introduce you to his Aussie friends so you can be in a relationship. When your friends came to your house, they called him cute and was fangirling and he was a like a tomato. You would judge your friends silently, "It's getting late, y'all should prolly head home" you said with a monotonous tone, they pouted "if you don't wanna get kicked out" they bid you both goodbyes and dashed out of your home. A cute foreign cousin that buys you everything you ask.


That one cousin who says that he's shy but ends up being the opposite of it. He's shy but not infront of you and your sibling. That dramatic one. When you guys were watching an horror movie, he was gasping and screaming dramatically, he even acted like fainting. You and brother/sister kept on getting heart attacks because of his dramatic ass. But cute indeed. You mom and dad loves him so much because how cute and kind he is. They even said "Unlike you". But a fun one to hang out with.


That one cousin to not mess with, he's cute and funny but his glares are dangerously high. When you pull prank on him, he got a bit angry and glared at you, after that you never pulled any prank on him. A really supportive cousin (ಥ‿ಥ). A great secret holder, you can share anything and everything with him, he would give you many advices. He's like a younger brother to you, would start acting cute all of a sudden. Would cringe so hard when you act cute. A happy, cute and supportive cousin.


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