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Would say that he's not scared at all, screams here and there whenever there's an jumpscare. Would hold your hand whenever he's scared, when he saw you smirking at him he would say "Don't be scared Y/N" and pretend like he's holding your hand because 'you're scared'. Doesn't feel like using the toilet alone after seeing the movie. "Are you scared?" When you asked him, he'll be like, "Scared? Me? PfFt!" But ends up crying when you switched off the toilet light when he's using the bathroom. "I. WILL. TAKE . REVENGE!" You find it so cute.


Doesn't know what's happening, would flinch but that's it. When there was an jumpscare, gasped and judged the you for selecting this type of movie, "Are you sure that you wanna watch it fully?" He asked when you were sincerely watching the movie. Is not interested in these type of horror movies. Goes to sleep when you're not  talking to him. But Would scare you when you're sleeping or using the restroom.


To be honest, not that scared, he likes horror movies but he's more into Marvel Avengers and things like that. Whenever there's an jumpscare, he's look at you if you're scared or not. Kinda worries about you, whether you'll sleep at night or not. While suddenly you "BOO!" ed him, it scared the shit out of him, and ended up making another meme face. Wouldn't move his ass during night after watching the horror movie.


Says "Oh my god!" And "what's that? OMG!" won't let you watch the movie, keeps on asking you what's going to happen next as if you're the director of the movie. When you got startled by something, he'll laugh his ass off but gets scared. When they're zooming into nothing and it's dead silence, you'll scream making him startled by you. You both would laugh your asses off at how silly it was.


I'm telling you, sits frozen throughout the movie. If you ask something, he'll push you and will shush you. You got creeped out by him, he'll be like frozen even when you're sleeping. Not scared but gets startled or would flinch sometimes.


He's known for his dramatic ass, but he loves horror movies, but can flinch sometimes when there's an jumpscare, he'll be so into the movie and taking this as your chance, you would scare the shit out of him. Will be all pouty at you for scaring him. Won't talk to you for a week, is definitely scared to use the toilet alone. You have to reassure him that it's just in movies and not in real life, but still you, yourself will scare him making him cry. Naughty Y/N.


He'll be like a statue but laugh at you whenever you scream or flinch. Is interested in dark movies but not more than in Marvel and scientific movies. Would put the popcorn in his nose hole and say "Y/N, look at me" when you saw his face first, you yelled at him, but soon laughed at his face, you took a picture of it quickly and updated it in your Instagram story. He didn't talk to for a month.

given - taken     enhypen reactions Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon