Appendix 2B: The Missing Pieces

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DATE: JUNE 2, 2018


History (timeline of Evil):


The town of Archangel–for as remote and isolated as it is–boasted a long history of skilled labor and technological research. From the days of the Northern Railroad and Pacific Bell laboratories.

1. No evidence of Native American settlements in the Archangel area

2. First permanent settlement near the Lake is of Russian origin in the early 1800s, though this story is widely thought to be apocryphal

Small settlement of 10-20 Russians that was intended to spend a year setting up a trapping camp, and then be relieved the following summer from the Columbia river
Brought a servant woman with them
Legends state that the camp ran low on food that winter so they resorted to cannibalism, killed and ate her
Russians went to relieve the trappers in late summer and found the camp whole but abandoned
Found the word русалка (Russsian for water nymph or mermaid) carved into the wall on the settlement's interior
Is this a Lady of the Lake/malevolent spirit seen throughout European literature?
Is this tied to the Roanoke settlement?
NOTES FROM UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON RESEARCH ON NORTHEASTERN WASHINGTON STATE: "Probably what happened was that the camp died of some illness or poisoning and the men were delirious. They probably didn't know what the hell to make of this place that was supposed to be flush with animals."
*русалка is a malevolent female water spirit–possibly the spirit of a young woman who was drowned–that is believed to be able to come out of the water during certain times of the summer

3. Place went largely unsettled until a Métis (French-Native) prospector named Sirene DuLac

Known as a "Petticoat Prospector"
*Sirène: "mermaid" DuLac: "of the lake"
Discovered copper in the area

4. Extension of the Great Northern Railroad came into the area

Pioneered by James J. HIll, Canadian-American railroad tycoon
Built a railroad extension into the area from Spokane when copper was discovered in the area
They'd already had a presence in Spokane due to wheat production
Their goal had been to beat any encroachment by Canadian Pacific Railway to build a southern line into the area
They built the tracks before full scale mining operations began/mines were proved
Copper mine went dry within a year
Employees in the area upset when they found out mine and railroad would be closing down the line
The area and all it's equipment commandeered as miners and railway employees joined up
Workmen guarded the tracks to keep the companies from sending in reinforcements
Pinkertons hired to break the strikers
Fledgling labor union leadership "disappeared"
Town at the RR terminus "Archangel" remained due to small logging operations
Town didn't grow really but remained stable in size

5. A relative of Dulac–daughter, granddaughter, or a niece, history isn't clear on this–learned something about chemistry and discovered a hitherto unknown element

Hungry for new patents, the Jarvi Patent Company purchased swathes of land in the area as "copper mining tracts"
This effort was spearheaded by Mikeal Jarvi Jr., son of the company's founder Mikeal Jarvi Sr.
They rushed teams in to set up labs to see if they could work out any new industrial processes
A year's worth of work yielded nothing save for cyanide deposits
These were leftover from prehistoric bacterial colonies in the area
Shamed by his failure, Mikeal Jr poisoned the water the work crews had pumping in from the lake with the cyanide, killing nearly everyone

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