Chapter 17

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Nathan's POV

''Give it back.'' I said to Amelia.
''No.'' She raised her voice. I gave her warning look as she held my hoodie tightly in her hands.
''I said give it back while I'm still nice.'' I warned her once again.

She took my new hoodie and I wanted to wear it today. But she said she wanted to wear it too. And that's my hoodie.

She stomped with her foot and started crying. I looked at her confused. Why is she crying over a hoodie? She ran inside our room and slammed the door.

''What was that?'' I asked her mother who watched this whole tantrum thing.
''She is on her period.'' She replied and sat back on the couch. Of course she is.

I slowly entered the room and saw her on the bed. She tucked her knees under her chin as she cried. Oh Lord, help me!
''Go away!'' She said and wiped her tears. I almost chuckled but she would get worse if did that.

I went next to her and wrapped my arms around her.
''Why are you crying over a hoodie, baby? If you wanted it so much, I would let you wear it.'' I cooed at her.
''It's not just about hoodie. You never let me wear your things when I want to.'' She sobbed. What the hell? I always give her my things.

''You're right. I'm sorry. From now on, you can wear whatever you want to.'' I played along so I won't get another tantrum from her.
''You promise?'' She asked.
''I promise.'' I said and kissed her head.

I rocked her in my arms and she soon fell asleep. I didn't know she is like that when she is on her period. But I guess her hormones are wild.

I put her down and covered her with blanket. Just when I decided to leave the room, my phone dinged. I got a message from the same number I've been getting videos.

I saw familiar address. And it says to come in 3 p.m which is in 15 minutes. It was a parking lot in a mall center. I took car keys and got out of the room.

I parked in the parking lot that was under the building. I saw on the watch that it's only 5 minutes left. I got out of the car and looked around the parking lot. Nobody was there which made me confused.

Soon, there was a figure approaching me. The more it got close the more familiar it looked. Until he came in front of me.
''Dad?'' I asked shocked.
''Nathan.'' He said and hugged me.

''I thought you were dead.''
''My death was faked. I had to do it.'' He sighed.
''Why didn't you come earlier? Where have you been for three years?''
''I was collecting evidences against Daniel. He is at fault for your mother's death.'' He spat when it came to his name.

''And what am I going to do with all these videos you sent me?'' I asked.
''You're going to send them to police.''
''I'm going to hand them to police myself.'' I said.

''You're going to get arrested. You know that.''
''Yes, I do. I want to get rid of this guilty feeling that's been bugging me since I started working for him.''
''And what about that girl?''

''How do you know about Amelia?'' I asked confused.
''I know everything. And I know you love her.''
''You don't have the right to mend in my private life.'' I said pissed off.
''You're right.''

''I hope we can see each other again. I missed you, Nathan.'' He said looking at me with empathy.
''Yeah, I hope so.'' I muttered.
''By the way, that number is mine.''

He soon departed from me and went different way. I was a little bit shook with sudden appearance. The man who I thought was dead is actually alive. How could he live in shadow for three years?

I got inside my car and drove away from the mall. On my way back, I stopped to buy ice cream for Amelia and few kinds of candies. She loves sweets a lot.

I parked in front the building and rushed out. I got inside and climbed upstairs to my apartment. Amelia's mom is very kind woman and I know on who Amelia resembles.

I umlocked the door and entered the apartment. I put the bags on a island and went to change myself. I saw Amelia awake under the cover.

''Where have you been?'' She asked.
''I was out to buy ice cream and candies.'' I said.
''Really?'' Her eyes suddenly sparkled.
''Yeah, baby.'' I smiled and undressed myself.

I got dressed in basketball shorts and black T-shirt. I brought her ice cream tube and opened it for her. She started eating right away which made me chuckle.

I wiped her mouth after she finsihed and laid next to her. She cuddled to my side like a little puppy. I know she just wants to cuddle and get some love. She is exactly like me.

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