《Chapter 26》

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♤Matt's POV♤

"Si-Sir, they're in conference room number 5."

"Thanks Angela."

Walking into the conference room, the air became thick. Three men stood in attention behind him while two others were seated on either side of him.

"Mr. King. Long time no see."

Nicoangelo Crespo. My mothers nephew. He's in control of one of the smaller gangs we have power over. 

"Let's get this over with. My wife isn't a very patient woman and you pulled her husband away from wedding preparations. Speak."

"Wife? See, I thought the white woman was your wife but then I heard from the wind that it was a cover. My question is: who are you hiding her from King?" 

"Is that what you sent your men after my wife for? To confirm your suspicion? If that's why send a the dead fish? The note?" I questioned. That's some petty ass shit to do as a grown man. 

His men chuckled and the grip I had on my gun became stronger. 

"That wouldn't be fun now would it. And I had no gurantee that you'd show. But see, here's the thing; I want to help you out." He said leaning further on the table. 


"Hey, can't cousins help each other out? You scratch my ritorno and I scratch yours." (back)

"I don't repeat myself so let me say it slower. Cosa guadagni dalla nostra alleanza?" (What is it that you gain from our alliance?)

Wow, my patience has been getting better. This meeting would've been over already. 

"I need help with some...packages. There's supposed to be a delivery in three days and I need back up men. I only have a spare 50 while you have a spare 1,000. A whole damn army if you please." 

He was right. As heir, I inherited everything from my father. Men, weapons, drugs, money (clean and dirty), but most of all, respect. 

"I don't speak code Nico. What are "packages"?" 



"Hear me out Matteo!" 

"No! I don't do human trafficking. You know the code. Most importantly, have morals and basic human decency. That shits not right. It's basically slavery. My wife is black for fuck sake." I shouted taking off my coat. 

Standing up, his head dropped low.

"Leave us." Nico ordered his men and they flowed one by one out the door.  "Isabella has been missing. I don't know since when but I do know where she is. I partnered up with some Americans vacationing in La Maddalena. They're responsible for delivery and unpacking. They think we're working with them as extra help but we're not. I just need back up to turn it around and get Isa. Please Matteo. Help a cousin out." 

"How exactly did you meet these Americans?" 

"Some guy named Alec? Alan?" 



FUCK! Pulling out my gun, I shot 7 holes through the wall. Nico's men came rushing in with their guns drawn. 

"The hell is the problem!" 

"You're a pawn! He's using you! Are you wearing a wire? Is Isa even kidnapped? Have you checked that she's kidnapped?" I shouted. Friskingly lifting up his shirt, I checked for a wire but didn't see one. 

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