Sister!Lauren Jauregui/5h~ Suspended

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3rd person pov:
As Y/n Jauregui walked down the stairs in her house sje was faced with something she never wanted to see while suspended from school. Her older sister Lauren along with her friends/band mates, Dinah, Ally, Camila and her girlfriend Normani sitting on the couch. Hermouth went wide in shock as she made her way to the kitchen.

But obviously fate had other plans then her getting back up to her room when on her way out of the kitchen the floorboard creeked. But luckily she runs track during trsck deason and also plays basketball. So she used her speed and ran to the kitchen dropping her bag of chips in the process. Just before anypne could open the kitchen door she dove into her hidding cabnet.

Naturally Lauren and the girls went to investigate execpt Normani by saying, "Nope. Black chicks always die first." So that happend. Lauren immedietly knew who it was when she saw the ba of Fritos' chips laying on the ground. What confused her is why her youngest sister was home alone. "It's Moday." The green-eyed girl stated to herself. "Yea. It is Dawg why." The tallest of her bandmates asked. Lauren didn't reply she just held out the bag of chips. Lauren completely forgot where Y/n's favorite hiding spot was but she still know her little sisters weakness'. "I'm at a payphone trying to call home." SHe sang trying to get her sister to sing. "All of my change I spent on you." She sang again, her bandmates looked at her like she was crazy but she just heeld up her hand silencing them. "Where have the times gone, baby it's all wrong." She still sung a little agrivated that her sister hadn't sung yet. Then she remembered that Y/n, Dinah, and Camila are the golden trio of the Fifth Harmony fandom. "What's her favorite song?" She mouthed to the youngest bandmates. "I miss my cocoa butter kisses." Dinah sung instead of repling. "Hope you smile when you listen." Camila sang next. "Ain't no competition, just competin' for attention. And you're like, I'm not on no games. Well, baby I been peepin' and you ain't been the same. Like, who been on you're mind? Who got your time? Who you been vibin' wit and why I can't make you mine?" The two sang together. "You used to be texting me, checking me, calling me your slime. And now you treat me like my worth less than a dime." They heard Y/n sing from a cupboard. Lauren smirked and ran to said cupboard and opened it revealing the youngest Jauregui. Lauren slightly moved out of the way. Big mistake Y/n bolted out the kitchen.

Sadly she got stopped by Normani who was outside the door listening in on what was going on. Y/n collided with the older with a loud, "Umph," and falling the ground with a thud. The 18-year-old picked the 13-year-old up by her armpits and the youngest at 17 picked her up by her ankles while the other made their way to the couch. Y/n was lightly tossed on to the couch and held down by Mani and Cami.

"Your supposed to be at school why are you here?" Lauren said then asked. "Your supposed to be on tour why are you here?" Y/n said back to her older sister fighting at her bandmates who had her restrained. "I asked you first." Lauren smirked thinking she had her. "I asked you second." Y/n fired back still fighting. "Were on a break from tour." Ally said. "I got suspended." Y/n said. "What!" The four older bandmates yelled while Dinah yelled, "Awesome!" Lauren glared at her. "Why?" She asked. Y/n stayed silent. "Tell me." Lauren said in her mom voice. "A guy was provoking me. I told that if he didn't I was gonna beat him. Since I'm smaller then him he didn't belive me but he stopped. Then a few classes later he started again. So I might of beat lights out of him with that S.A.T prep text book I stole from you." Y/n said saying the last sentence quiter then the rest. Normani and Camila let her go incase she needed to run. "YOU DID WHAT?!" Lauren all but growled. Y/n gulped running to her room grabbing her chips on the way up. When she got up to her room she slammed and locked the door. Leaving the girls to cool Lauren down while Y/n watched youtube on her tablet.

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